Reddit agrees!

1  2019-01-27 by imwearingbonds


What was your original comment BTW?

Just searched for and copy+pasted a top-voted post in a thread with that same title. Reddit's so dumb.

That's great. It's like shooting fish in a barrel with these types.

I felt really, really dirty getting everyone to agree with me with their sappy stories from their own life.

I. Don't. Care.

Why the negative views towards others? Even if your comment wasn’t yours, you reposted great information that a lot of people appreciated. Whether you realize it or not, you made a positive impact on a lot of lives today with a simple reposted comment.

>Bro. This. It took my wife six years to understand this. We used to fight all the time because she felt like we never spent enough time together.


I saw that comment too. People are such fucking fags.

I love you

middle school humor

I saw that comment too. People are such fucking fags.