Usually women get boob jobs to enhance their look. Mary Jean’s did literally nothing for her. She still looks just as disgusting as before.

1  2019-01-27 by BlacksAreStupid


That thing will never be a passable tranny. It should go back to being just an island nigger dude.

They look way better before. Way to blow what little cash you have, whore.

This is the part where we pretend we wouldn't hook up with Mary Jean?

“Something something... I wouldn’t touch her with Jim Norton’s dick” Later that night you google her and engage in a 30 minute long stresswank and imagine napalming her misshapen tits with your unholy jizzum.

Hook up? I would cry on our wedding day and kill myself and the kids on the week of our divorce.

I know! She’s not the best looking, but disgusting?

Anyone who wouldn’t fuck her is a Cumia.

The ol' truck driving O&A fans acting like they get the best pussy every day?

It's tradition

I'd fuck lots of women that I can still admit are stupid looking, trashy, have weird or ugly tits or are probably going to make my dick burn.

Those hips are astounding. Face is fucked, but her body is kickin.

This should be a beefers post

TMNT beefers.

How many stabbings have happened in her “beauty salon”

no, no, no, its not a laundering front for the Latin Kings.

Slightly bigger yet still two different sizes. Whore

Disgusting ugly ass bitch, very disrespectful.

I’m willing to accept being downvoted, but I think that she is pretty hot.

Well she got fatter

Her natural tits were actually quite nice. Also it's not 1995, no one likes fake tits. Dumb bitch.

Not seeing the c-section scar.

Why the fuck

Her new boobs look like the surprised emoji

Am I the only one who likes the before photo better?

All those “lunches” and “dinners” with Norton.

Luis J. Gomez should’ve fucked her up when he had the chance


She’s pretty hott

And don't even get me started on the Dom-in-a-kans because they make the Puerto Ricans looks good.