
1  2019-01-27 by okay_this_is_epic366


Easy Big Bear.

Kinda is tho just sayin’

What'd Doug do?

He's the comedic equivalent of a nationalist. Doesn't have any respect for the craft, leading to him supporting shitty comedy.

"Supporting shitty comedy" like Jeff Ross?

yeah exactly

Edgy little cunt that he is. Shave that bruce willis 90s mop and you’re left with a nortonesque mollusk like creature.

Him and Norton have a lot more alike than you'd expect at a surface level. Both are ugly, unfunny manlets that've retained their own notoriety through allowing themselves to be cucked for somebody else's sake.

Not that it’s worth anything since his face started melting off, but this guy seems to think he parties with Johnny Depp. Who it seems hollywood is fucking done with.

Jim Norton would fuck himself into oblivion if he could have the bragging rights of such a fact.

They're friends.

WTF kind of comparison is that you fucking retard?

I don't like him either but what the fuck are you talking about?

Gonna need you to watch that tone of yours please

He told Norton that his AA and sobriety was a load of shit so I don't hate him


Pump them brakes. This I can not support.

Top 3 comics alive/active. My personal hero. If Doug is a faggot then I'll proudly claim that title as well. I'm a gigantic faggot.

Sorry to hear about that

We know

This is uncalled for

"yeah everyone get abortions, don't get married, stop having kids fuck. Where's my booze?"

This guy gets it
