Card carrying violent pedophile

1  2019-01-27 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist


God. He just looks like a complete asshole


Bet his veterans card says "Non-service Connected Disability". Mental Healthcare, man.

He’s not dumb like everyone says... He’s smart... he was passed over

Those faggot hoop earrings! Has nobody pointed that out to him?! And the black head scarf thing. All this cunt is missing is a parrot on his shoulder. Yuck. Joe is sincerely the all time biggest heap of shit in the ‘O&A universe.’ Well, neck and neck with alien headed nigger Opie Jr. Roberts. The two’s of ‘em are in dire need of public execution forthwith.

A veteran of the Navy MEAL teams.

A fount of 'Nom stories.

Dessert Storm

Are his eyes closed?

Dessert Storm