Heaven on earth fellas. Best soft drink in the game....

1  2019-01-26 by SibHashian13


This soda is like drinking liquid rubies and diamonds. Best soda ever made, by far.

even better with some vodka in it.

As much of an alcoholic that I am. I can’t sign off on this. Vodka would ruin the pristine flavors this soft drink has to offer

you have intrigued me merchant

It’s no joke dude. The glorious flavors....

Is there a sugar free alternative that tastes just as good?

Their is a diet version, it’s ok. It’s just not the same

It never is the same 🙁.

Diet? What are you, some kind of faggot?

He’s probably really fucking fat.

And has diabetes

is that stuff like la Croix with no calories? I tried drinking that and it wasn't sweet enough so I'm back to diet mountain dew.

Nah bb its a regular full sugar soda. Their seltzer water is dope though

Stay strong

Mountain Dew?! Disgusting man. Get ur act together

Code Red?

Is trash, and compared to this it’s complete trash.

Bb? Dope? Die nigger

Jesus man Mt Dew, get some of this it will change your life. And lose some weight you’re surely a fat ass.

Diet M Dew is like donkey urine with sweet n' low

I used to drink 4 liters of regular dew a day and now I drink under a 2 liter of diet. I think that's pretty good progress and I'm down 100 pounds since my gastric surgery.

How about just water?

Were you in gallons before the 4 lits?

Found my mom's Reddit, except she would at least show her beefers

I like to think random people discover this place, run through all the horrible shit and just get confused by posts like this.

Everyone needs refreshments bro. Even us

I find flavored ginger ale just the beverage to quench my thirst after some violent racism, when I don't want the caffeine so I can get to bed.

Make sure to get in on the lentil soup if you already haven't.

That’s a Jew drink

Mel drinks this while getting blown before the jacuzzi

Your a Jew drink, get out of here.

Marion worthy insult right there

Raspberry flavored things are for little children to make medicine taste less yucky, and for grown niggers to make "medicine" less yucky. Which one are you?

Spoken by someone who has never tasted the joy.

You stupid faggot you obviously have never had this soda because it doesn’t taste anything like medicine. Also anyone who say “yucky” should go walk into traffic, god dam fucking retard.

Nice reply to a critique of a nigger soda, stupid.

You think because it has a fruit flavor it’s a blacks only soda? Guarantee you’ve never tried it, ignorant retard.


Does this look a soda made for niggers? Stupid.

You’ve just made us all aware of the fact that you’re and unfunny retard. Kill yourself fag.

Who is "us" you insufferable fucking cunt? Go back to watching your Chip Chipperson videos.

Probably referring to everyone here, retard.

What are you, forty five?

Does come in a pink can so you look like half a fag just drinking it?


It’s regal you little bitch.

i had it for the first time in like 10 years couple days ago, shit is like crack

If this shit went up your nose, my nose would look like Artie's

I like Dr Pepper, but you can't really get it in Australia. I have to get it from the specialty aisle of the supermarket where they sell individual cans for $2 a piece. We have almost none of the varieties America has, it's enraging.

Bet you don’t even know what Lucky Charms are.

Actually found some in a specialty store a few years back and some St. Patricks variant ones in a discount store last year. I'm part potato nigger so figured I should try them. They were about what I expected for shitty children's cereal.

Yea, you mean they’re magically delicious asshole.


That shit is actually good

Marion worthy insult right there