What do you guys think is the most culture Joe Cumia’s ever gotten?

1  2019-01-26 by graemelloydforever

Just curious how a man can be 60 years old and have accrued so little wisdom. For example, do you think he’s ever been to an play? A museum? Do you think he’s left the country to go anywhere other than Tijuana? Has he even read a fucking book?


something something bacterial culture

dont ruin it for faggots who actually wrote a joke dummy

The alternative would have been to write my own joke but I deemed it hacky material

if you just automatic downvoted me im gonna do things to you

makes sense. these internet points are really meaningful

arent you the dork i told to call me sir then you nonironically called me 'nigga'

I have no idea. You take this shit way too seriously

yeah i forgot its saturday night when all the hacks come out to stink

Where's the joke that you wrote, or are you one of those faggots who complains but doesn't do shit?

no im keeping it now

We don't get the elusive u/call_me_winston culture joke now? Thank you for saving us from that stinker.

it was about how mixing poop from several different dicks creates a nice petri dish anus but i only had 90 seconds before a kid yelled out the punchline

Yeah, you should of kept it.

no you're right i know better than to post on big gay saturday

you not only write jokes for the internet but you're worried that someone might ruin that experience for you?

Probably gang raped outside of Big Apple Ranch

When an Asian boy came in his eye after eating curry.

Joe has more culture in his SOA pinky ring then we have combined.

He had french toast once

Except he called it freedom toast

French kissed his dad once too

Chinese buffet.

There's a actually a picture of Joe Cumia about to see a Broadway play with Pat Dixon. BroJoe, surprise surprise, is dressed in a hoodie.

I don't feel like finding it so just take my word on it.

Musicals don’t count.

Now I want to find it to see what they saw. It couldn't have been anything good.

He probably went to Taco Bell once, and read some of the items on the Menu

Samcro Joe has culture coming out of his ass

Joe is a cultural anomaly unto himself. An immigrant with dark moorish features clearly from a region in the Mediterranean, assumes the American Heartland Ted Nugent no step on snek/Biker persona, all while having the closet bedside manner of Freddie Mercury and the man who directed his Biopic. Very curious character profile.

He ate yogurt once.

When the faggot goes to Epcot.