This Quinquagenarian wonders why he can't bed civilian 20 somethings without his checkbook CUT THE SHIT JIM YOU WILL BE 60 IN 8 YEARS!

1  2019-01-26 by ART-CORNEY


Egg Whites,Cold Brew and edging are not going to slow the reaper. Fucking engage / impregnate Mary Jean and get it over with Already!

5'4 110lbs, skinny fat with moobs, liver spots on head, oddly shaped head, no chin, bug eyes, spastic arm movements. These are just some of the physical details that should lure in the hot 23 year old NYC models, not to mention his shit personality and interests.

And by the way I dont drink or do drugs.

Or anything remotely fun. And i will always be grumpy due to my sleep cycle being annihilated by edging.

Sober for 40 years, last drink I had when I was a teenager and Reagan was running for re-election.... Still go to meetings.

Why the shit do you still need meetings when youve not touched anything for 40 years?

Don't forget the manic BLINKING!

It’s a shame he’ll never be able to teach his kids how to shoot thick loads over a magazine cutout of Dolph Lundgren