Anyone hear Nick Dipaolo on Joe Rogan. Half an hour in and young Jamie has fact checked most of Nicks talking points so far and proved them to be bullshit.

1  2019-01-26 by xodch


Yet they didn't with the Jewess just a couple of days ago. Weird.

At least they looked up the definition of 'toady' for her.

Joe likes to be mommied by brunettes who remind him of his mom

I'm a random dude who's sitting on my computer with access to google too.


do you get paid in millions?

Republicans/conservatives are always lying for profit. Nothing new.




Yet I'm entirely correct.



Jamie is a hole and didn’t prove anything. Nick is not a genius and was definitely mildly misinformed on certain talking points but that shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

Did you see the end where they all pretend to know what the steel dossier is but Nick has to explain it anyways?

it's a common tactic of tards to take something they don't understand, look it up on the internet, then claim it's debunked.

I’m pretty sure joe asked him to explain the steel dossier, because he said no one knew what he was talking about. Almost the opposite of what you just said. I’m pretty sure

I’m pretty sure Jamie said that he was familiar with the terms but didn’t know what they meant which to me means he is a pretending to know faggot I’m pretty sure

You’re already back tracking on what you originally stated. But who cares, we can both agree that joe rogan acted embarrassingly during that podcast.

Yeah I guess they didn’t all pretend to know what it was, I forgot that joe rode the fence as usual.

Joe is such an unfunny uncreative literal minded retarded nerdy flaming faggot. Whenever anyone is sarcastic or jokes, he fact checks or does the nerdy hole crap of well, guys, actually, did you know that. Very occasionally, he’ll realize he’s supposed to laugh and he’ll let out a big fake forced laugh and throw his head back and slap the table but then immediately goes back to acting like a woman who needs to scold you.

The worst is when Joe does the i was listening to radiolab or Sam Harris or whatever other pseudointellectual guru he’s fixated on at the moment. It’s the bro version of the soccer mom boring you to death at dinner about whatever Oprah and Good Morning America told her to think that day.

But Nick did humiliate himself. He’s gotten lazy and become the guy who skims headlines to justify going on the same rant he’s been doing since Tough Crowd. It’s very shallow and permanently stuck in 2003.

But Nick is funny in a lot of other ways. But Joe doesn’t get it because there is nothing humorous about the dolt. Nick said a lot of funny things on the episode. Every one of them went right over Joe’s head. Joe’s not a comedian. He never has been. There’s nothing naturally funny about him. Watch when Burr is on and how much Burr always seems like he’s in agony like he’s being tortured by Joe’s stupidity and lack of humor and starts checking his watch because he wants to get the fuck away and end the show early. Burr and Nick will say something silly, sarcastic, flippant or absurdist and Joe won’t laugh and will try to correct them. That’s why Joe doesn’t understand Louis CK’s comedy. He’s dumb and lacks imagination and a funny bone. You can’t hustle and muscle yourself into being naturally funny.

Joe has spread himself very thin, although he has been successful in doing over 1000 podcasts (most of which are shit, but regardless). He's not funny because he's the "erm well, ACKSHUALLY" or "well, have you heard about this thing I learned about 5 minutes ago...?" guy. And then he's not an intellectual because he'll listen to something and then make a wisecrack.

Also he's a closeted faggot.

of all those points, Joe being gay is the most true

I watch youtube documentaries and listen to podcasts, so I'm veru well informed. It's definitely not a case of mass-media selling me a feeling. It's real knowledge, and Jamie will pull it up for you now any second.

Joe used to be silly too. He was pretty funny on OnA before his game. But his heads gotten too big(get it?) for his own good and is almost autistic in the way he tries to correct jokes and why they wouldn’t actually work.

Nick was such a dingus on this ep, it was hard to listen to him. He’s so delusional it’s not even funny. They both did make me laugh this ep though, but it’s hard to find Nick funny when I know he’s such a retard.

Hey, Joe, nice booster seat, stupid.

Its such bullshit that he has a guy sitting on a computer waiting to pull up articles that prove him right. It isnt fair and makes it impossible for anyone else to win the argument.

And then at the end joe got pouty because the google trick wasn’t working so well.

Did he?

Here's a fact check for you: Rogan is a fucking insufferable idiot.

The amount of times Nick was joking and Joe took him seriously or answered him literally is terrifying. His stupidity and lack of comedic improv skill is almost incomprehensible.

Bruh nick was being such a snowflake, it was obvious nick wasn’t joking most of that time by how emotional he was getting. No wonder a feminist was able beat him up.

That’s what I didn’t get, Nick really wasn’t being that emotional. He’s always like that, he’s just a high strung dude. I think Joe kept saying that to him to keep him on the defensive. Once or twice both of them got a little squirrely, but I didn’t think it ever got that heated.

It wasn’t crazy heated no, but nick was definitely very snowflakey. Nick drank the trump cool aid hard, and actively ignores the truth. That said nick is a funny dude when his head isn’t up his own ass.

There was some lawyer on a month ago who wants to get rid of the electoral college. Joe said something along the lines "is that because battleground states lean Republican?"

Thank fuck Mr and Mrs Einstein didn't name their kid Joe. There's just something about that name that can only generate stupidity.