Hard to believe this worm was funny 10-15 years ago. This has to be his rock bottom.

1  2019-01-26 by unclepaul84


Wow. He’s officially Youtuber funny.

Not even that

He reminds me of Miranda Sings

Except Miranda Sings (while shit) is more successful than Jam Norden will ever be.

Something WAAYYYY popular on Toutube than Jimmy.

Chocolate Rain Some stay dry and others feel the pain Chocolate Rain A baby born will die before the sin

i will never understand

Always the bullet

Who watches this dogshit?

One time Florentine bought his kid who was like 6 years old and apparently the kid loves it. So children watch it, I assume.

Reboot? So it died? Didn't even know it was still a thing honestly.

Neither did iTunes

At some point there was like a two week break and when he came back he tried to make it a bit.

I just honestly want to have a sit down conversation with someone who genuinely enjoys this

They would cuddle you in the sleeper cab anytime they're passing through.

"It's over, Johnny. It's over!"

This picture is frustratingly irritating.

Nice tautology, stupid

Nice use of a thesaurus, stupid

Thesaurus' are for finding synonyms for words; they aren't helpful for literary criticism. I recognize pleonasm when I see it, stupid


What?, stupid.

Smartest intelligent thing I ever heard said aloud

Nice word of the day, stupid.

He looks like a fucking asshole.

He is.

He's the equivalent of Miranda Sings

The extra time he's put into acting like chip is why he acts like such a faggot now.

Fucking faggot prop comic worm

I still find Jim funny. Sam ruins the show with his interjecting. Chip is impossible to get through. Wait wait wait shut up Jim

Without sams interjections there would be no show because baby boy can't do a show while he's on the phone looking at trannies for three hours.

I’ve never listened to J&S so it wouldn’t be fair to say you’re wrong.

But Jimmy could be the funniest guy in radio and I would still find it impossible to laugh at his jokes knowing how obnoxious he acts in real life.

Egg white eating asshole, thinking he deserves a 20 year old girlfriend, arrogant little twerp.

I have to have a little respect for someone in order to find them funny, and I have absolutely none for Jim.

His salary should never exceed thirty pieces of silver.

Chip Rizzo.

Stopped watching right around there. He's ran out of material for chip long ago, you can only hear so many MY MUDDA WOULD SAY TO LAMAR jokes before you realize you're being dragged into his insanity with him.

Turns out that big chin bitch was pretty integral to the show

i remember listening to an old O&A where anthony said imagine if jimmy actually had a chip show and didnt break character..

Chip was never funny, you were just more of a faggot

I’m not sure what you’re trying to express by posting a picture of the Washington Monument with a sweat band wrapped around it. Are you trying to say that Trump makes democracy all sweaty or something?

(assistant whispers in my ear)

What? That’s a human? But his head is shaped like a xenomorph, or the front end of an SR-71. Are you sure? Oh my god...


Nice use of a thesaurus, stupid

Smartest intelligent thing I ever heard said aloud

One time Florentine bought his kid who was like 6 years old and apparently the kid loves it. So children watch it, I assume.

Nice word of the day, stupid.