Remember when this professional chuckler thought he could be more than a second banana only to come crawling back 9 years later an abject failure?

1  2019-01-26 by nomobjustice


Fake smile hiding all the woes of a fatty with a horrible fat wife

Don't forget his wife's black son.

His smile is just a straight horizontal line too

how could he not be a pedophile?

Children are able to fend him off.

Andy Richter raped me but wasn't able to cum when I told him I was actually 13 instead of 12.

What is this, two weeks ago?

never let them off the hook

Chuckle faggot got to be in a Robert Altman movie and somehow couldn't even use that as a springboard to better projects. What a lumpen failure. He should really sleep with a gun in his mouth.

Either he's aware enough to know he's a bland failed extra, or he doesn't and no prodding will hurt him. See BroJoe.

Either way, it cant hurt to keep saying it

He looks like a Pokémon



No because I’m not up to date on pop culture

Can someone give me a rundown on this faggot, all o know is that he’s on Conon

I vaguely remember him trying to do a sitcom a long time ago. I remember seeing commercials for it during football. Other than that, I've never seen him do anything but Conan.

Nope. Never seen or heard of this guy before...

Who is (s)he?

I don’t think anyone’s smile pisses me off more than his

It’s like he’s going for that dumb face strangers make when they greet you with a nod while passing by

Frog-faced fraulein.

I don't understand what his gimmick was supposed to be.

to sit at the end of the couch and laugh at the people who are funnier than him

You know you're in good shape when your work cuts your shift in half. You must really be doing a great job.

But at least he didn’t beg Conan to invest in his money pit of a multimedia channel. He has standards.

Time is a funny thing. At the time I was rooting for this fat fuck to be a success because i used to love Conan. Now after a decade of no watching Conan & listening to O&A, nothing makes me happier than to have this fat fuck have a promenade of failures under him

Children are able to fend him off.

Andy Richter raped me but wasn't able to cum when I told him I was actually 13 instead of 12.