Look at this genuine smile.

1  2019-01-26 by yamuddahscuntthen


Jonathan just penned the deal with American Standard to make Jim Norton's ugly cunt face into a signature urinal, specially designed for homeless nigger trannies. Congrats!

A marvel of modern anatomy. Heow does his head not collapse inwards without a stress bearing chin.

Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes..

Geez that's bad

I’m at your house right now, call me

Soulless black eyes

The Covington creep.

"He stinks, and I don't like him "

I don't know; he really looks his age here. He started too late and is entirely reactive (no insights or even new takes); his materal is half Naughty Thesaurus, half complaints; and he never developed. He'll be a footnote in some future college hopeful's thesis.


When the egg whites arrive with just the right amount of mustard.