Ray Cadbury

1  2019-01-26 by PorsalinsAltAcct


L. Ron Faggot

Boreson Scott Tard.

Arthur C Clark Bar (he also likes little boys)

Jason Dateman

Frank Sherbet

H.G. Wale

Ben Bovine.

Hmm I tried going to that twitter but it says no account by that name exists. What's up with that?


Isaac Fatassimov

What did this faggot do?

Steven King sized Snickers

Gorge Orwell

David Fuckhole Wallace

“Ever fuck anyone this tall? I have because they’re all children. What, to real?”

Kurt Vomitgut

Kneel BigAss Tyson

That was actually funny.

Edgar Rice Burritos

Well...it did...


F. Scott Fatzgerald

Harlan Ellis-Cinnabun

This at least made me smile, kind of funny

Philip K. Dickhead

Queers tranthony

Alan Moron

Bret Eatson Ellis

This Cadbury fella has definitely shit out his share of "cream" eggs in his time.