‘Not Fat’

1  2019-01-26 by PorsalinsAltAcct


That cameltoe looking right tho

U/patrickstomlison comment?

u/patrickstomlinson comment?

He's on a snack break

Poor little boy

No he's very large

10 bucks (aka Fattrick's book sales) says he as to take a breath in between tying his shoes

Imagine this candle wax faced retard trying to talk tough to anyone face to face.

Tommy Two Shirts!

more like "patty two guts"

Timmy Two Chins

Nice American muscle car shirt, stupid.

I'm no fashion plate but a tucked in tshirt is not a good look.

Remember Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction? His tucked in t-shirt was cool. I think the difference between him and Patrick S. Tomlinson is that Willis isn't a fat nerd.

It is when you have to hide a massive gut, but he says he isn't fat so that can't be it.

I don't understand how a human being constantly looks like a cell phone picture from 2003.

Mustang Mary!

When is she coming out with another special? Nanette was almost a year ago.

Nice fucking tits. Where's the cocksucker red lipstick, you fucking nancy?

Handsome Erock? No seriously, who's this mo?

Erock has a much better face than this smirking blubber tub.

Fat hobbit

He looks like the kind of guy who would slip a newborn some tongue as soon as everyone walked out of the room.

Thunder thighs

The only thing thats not fat is the bulge in his pants

That’s all balls. His dick would look like light switch

Toddles, Weight Watchers. To be fair, he's too busy slaying poon tang, sweetheart.

He looks like his mom took him to Walmart to get him some big boy clothes when he was 14 and he hasn't changed his outfit since. I bet crotch of those pants smells like farts

Poor little boy