Me when I see someone on the sub use "arse"

1  2019-01-26 by iPadsFromPizzaFace



That's Australian...

New Zealand

How dare you speak of yourself in the same breath as Melvin.

All jokes aside, the UK is a fucking miserable place. I've never seen evidence they have sunshine over there. It's always so fucking gloomy. Everyone has an ugly, droopy, pale face. Just awful.

Fuck Britain.

pale face

Not anymore, inshallah

UK: 85% white USA: 56% white.

This is no place for facts.

Are you serious?

Welp, time to head to Stormfront...

Wait... Storefront led me here!

throws acid into face

Where are you getting your facts from? The United States is 76.9% white according the census bureau.

That 76.9% number includes spics and arabs who think they're white. "White alone, not Hispanic or latino" is 60.7% and already under 50% for the generation of kids who are in elementary school right now.

There are plenty of Hispanics who are white, people who’s roots are European. Do you have any idea how many Spaniards, Italians, Germans settled in South & Central America? More Italians settled in places like Brazil & Argentina than they did in the U.S. Also Arabs from place like Lebanon or a lot of Syrians & Iranians are white.

You're kidding yourself if you think 88% of the spics in the U.S are white. Look at L.A. County's most wanted list. A bunch of "white" guys who look like they crawled out of a sewer in Guadalajara. We're getting even more indio goblins lately with most of the Hispanic immigration coming from central America. For every "white" Hispanic, there's at least twenty brown goblins landscaping his yard.

Those Hispanics aren’t counted as white on census & they don’t consider themselves are white.

The 76.9% number that you posted proves you're wrong. I think most of them are counted as white to keep whites from realizing that they're quickly losing the country that they founded and built from nothing. Mestizos are a mixed up bunch. They come from countries where the ruling class is mostly white and the indios are the lowest class. They may hate and resent gringos, but they'd rather see a white guy when they look in the mirror than a brown and greasy goblin.


Imagine the act of thinking must be excruciating for someone as dumb as you.

Not as exhausting as it must be to be so obnoxious that you need to create a new account every month because you get kicked off Reddit for being a bitter asshole.

I don't understand what this piece of fiction is in reference to. If you weren't the stupidest man on earth you'd be able to quickly deduce that my account was created in 2017.

Ok alt-right guy, go eat a dick, I got things to do unlike your sorry ass.

Oh no, you are even dumber than I thought you have everything exactly backwards. I'm such a faggot liberal I'm watching Coyne Schofield at the NHL All-star game and tearing up.

Oh I see, your one of those faggots that deletes all posts every week. Go play some video games & blame feminist for the reason you can’t get pussy & when you actually grow some balls do the world a favor & slice your wrists open in a warm bathtub.



Their future King was going bald at 17.

Also the royal family they worship is fucking German.

No wonder they went from ruling a third of the world to becoming the third world.

Allahu Akhbar and a pip pip cheerio.

english royal family is german oh so just like the rest of english people

american 'education' lul


Those crypto German baby blood drinkers are definitely inbred.

100% the lannisters are based on them. You have to keep the bloodlines pure.

That is why they married their who gives a fuck son to Dianas bodyguard to an American half Negress, they were spawning to many bald chinless bucktoothed morons.


Baldness is a curse of our fair isle. Our entire nation was built upon the notion that individual follicles placed in the direction of natural growth can help us build together a strong Albion.

How does someone get to be this ignorant in a time of universal access to high speed internet. These references are centuries old. The royal family has a closer connection to King Leopold of Belgium and the House of Romanov than the House of Sax-Coburg Gotha, and nobody has said 'pip pip cheerio' on this side of the industrial revolution. Can you not even make fun of other countries without drawing attention to your ignorance?

Ello guvna

Shouldn't you be learning Quran verses for your new overlords?

Bunch of glum cunts

When I attended college in Buffalo 10 years ago, for some reason our school got half a dozen limey exchange students outta nowhere (there was no fanfare on their arrival, I just noticed their accents and shitty teeth). It always puzzled me why they chose such a dismal place to attend college, but if you've been to Buffalo you know it's the closest city the U.S. has to an average English city, except for possibly Seattle.

One of the limeys was this blonde-haired, blue-eyed cutie who was thin as a rail with a pixie-like face...obviously I became obsessed with her. But she always had this bizarre "resting clinically depressed face" that your second sentence reminded me of.

Anyway, one Saturday morning around 2AM, she was riding the campus bus so wasted she was practically passed out. So when she stood up and began to exit the bus I made a point to get behind her, very blatantly grabbed a handful of her cute little ass-cheek, and squeezed it hard. She was so out of it she didn't even notice. So I got away with sexually assaulting a young limey. 😁

Just wanted to share that little love story with y'all.

Fuck the UK.

This stupid fuck pays for reddit

Why are you being downvoted? Whore deserved it.

Currently sunny.

Not obese though


Sounds like you’ve been there

its like even they know Hitler should have won so they deliberately are making their own lives worse. only 1 in 4000 women from the UK are attractive most are fat and inbred. even uK porn sites have resorted to having women from east europe come over because their own women are almost all disgusting.

same thing with Ireland and Spain and Germany. And there has to be a reason so few attractive women come from italy or france anymore.

Terrible teethed people as well.

I saw one of them use "DIY" recently. Blood was a boilin'.

Americans saying they are going on “holiday” should vacation in a vat of acid with their dumb kids. Cheers!

I can't wait to holiday in Paris after attending Uni in London!

I can only hope for some terrorist to steal a bus and run you over mate.

I hope he isn’t carrying a butter knife when it happens. Bloke might get a life sentence.

Life sentence? What is he, a dog that does the Nazi salute? Or did he use bad words?


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Don’t say holiday around me or you’ll end up in hospital. I’ll see myself out now, Reddit. ::burns self with battery acid::

Oi m8, this has been reported to the bobbies for h8 speech.

When I was young, I went to my friend's house. He had relatives in that lived in London at his house. One of the girl's said to me "have you ever been to the UK for a holiday"? I starred at her and had no idea what she was talking about. I thought she was asking me if I've been to the UK on like Christmas or Easter. I was like nope, but I have been there before.

You realise that St. Mel, being Australian, would spell it "arse" as well?

Born American, grew up in Australia.

Mel Gibson is a Chadstralian through and through. You don't get that kind of bravado anywhere else in the world. Maybe New Zealand, but they're usually more chill.

*Invasion Day

Call it what you want, I'm gonna be having a beer with the boys no matter what.

Me too, just about to finish work and gonna get a carton of coopers sparkling.

Do you consider ACDC to be Scottish?

Bon Scott is more Australian than Mel, bon grew up in freo back when it was working class. Melvin grew up in Sydney and studied dramatic art.

I don't consider ACDC.

Nah, we tend to spell it 'ass'.

australians dont and maybe cant write

Great context aside, what mediocre choreography.

How dare you speak ill of the works of the Holy Prophet Mel!


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No taxation without representation, faggots!

We have the IRS now

Him carrying that tomahawk and the flag charging the Brits made me cry an big patriotic tear.

"Many manly tears were shed, luckily I was with my pupper!"

Go fuck yourself.

I cried during the same scene, but it wasn't a tear, it was an actual tear-sized miniature American flag. It kinda hurt my tear duct, but it was worth it.


Patriot is so fucking good.

Mel, Jason Isaacs and the action are good. The rest of the movie is cliché garbage

Im just saying in terms of Roland Emmerich. It’s crap, but it’s really fun crap. And the cast is amazing.

Are you kidding? Heath Ledger is the forgettable pretty boy. That blonde woman is awful. So many of the extras, especially the British people are so dainty and over-the-top. I swear to God, there’s a redcoat in the movie who’s like under the command of the main bead guy who looks and sounds like he’s made of wood

I think that cornwallis’s aide is probably meant to act that way. It’s a really good parody of an effete British officer. In other words good acting.

If it was directed by Mel, it would have been the best movie ever. Roland Emmerich is a cornball hack.

Also a child molester

Grounded for life dude is so miscast.

A film like that would never be made now. Can't make anything that inspires patriotism and nationalism. Those things are considered "toxic" and "problematic" now by hollywood.

When a fog-nigger limey attempts to import tea around an American

The British may be a bunch of pretentious faggots with bad teeth who sold out their culture and future, but ‘rogering’ is my favorite verb.

I like how they call everyone "cunt" 24/7, including their own grandmother, and they just laugh it off.

Doesn't work that way over here.

When she says she wants to go to jacuzzi but she hasn't blown me yet


How did so many British faggots even come across OnA?

I’ve never met anyone in person who knows about it

Louis ck on YouTube, eventually led to O&A clips.

from Joe Rogan bumming them, Antwan in particular. also Bill Burr talking about Patrice so the first clips I heard on youtube were his appearances. from listening to them and seeing pictures I thought Opie's voice was Anthony and vice-versa

I'm Australian but a dual citizen, my uncle (sure) got me into it when I was in middle school.

Also I think a lot of non Americans get into it through Louis or Patrice, then just start listening even when comedians aren't on.


YouTube has given O&A a new lease on life, it's largest growing audience is in Europe. When I was seeding the porsalin archive a while back about 50% of peers were not from North America, mainly UK, Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal as well as Australia, NZ, Brazil, there were even a couple from Russia, which means that there are now Muscovite Slavs that spend their free time squatting around and discussing the Cumia Bros.

we're done if Brazilians come

When you seed your child porn do you also notice 100% of peers were british?

We're so diverse.

YouTube and discovering them through comedians that were on the show. Patrice actually had a decent following touring the UK at the start of his career

Our country being overran with Muslims and violence causes many to resort to video games and youtube. They naturally stumbled across them on Youtube whilst looking for Louis CK and Jim Jefferies interviews.

XFM with Karl Pilkington, OnA is the 'other' famous comedy radio show. I guess Stern too but I never got into that.

Americans must be annoyed you got into the empire game so late. At least we had a few hundred years where it was morally acceptable.

They also say things like “Opie and Antony”. Not gonna lie, sounds all sophisto


To non-anglos british colloquialisms seem unattractive for some reason, whereas american slang sounds fun to use. British spelling remains pervasive, though. My mother was from northern Scotland and had no love for the english; still taught me their spelling and RP. But lots of european kids get their english from movies and music now, so american may come out on top. Please take note, this will be on the test.

Don't Forget St Mel is Irish stock so he probably has a fucking bone to pick with the Teapot cunts too.

Braveheart/Patriot Mel likes to cave Englishmens heads in.

Saint Mel, Defeating the British in movies and the Zionists in the real world.

Any of you buttertoothed morning tomato eaters use BLOAK or ARSE you deserve the rack.

tbh all it takes is one "humor" or "realise" to ruin my afternoon

For me, it's the word "scones" or hearing a limey bastard refer to a cookie as a "biscuit".

Half Man Half Cookie

I like how the Tea Drinking British Faggot swung his bayonet once and then just stood there for three solid seconds waiting to be hit.

He was really upset in that scene.

You'd be out of breath after the first swing, mate.

You're not in hospital, you're in THE hospital, you disgusting chinless genetic abominations.

I could care less for these faggots

That is why they married their who gives a fuck son to Dianas bodyguard to an American half Negress, they were spawning to many bald chinless bucktoothed morons.


That 76.9% number includes spics and arabs who think they're white. "White alone, not Hispanic or latino" is 60.7% and already under 50% for the generation of kids who are in elementary school right now.