I think Nick Di Paolo might browse this sub...

1  2019-01-25 by GregorioThomassoni

On Rogan just now, the topic of Mel Gibson came up and Nick instantly started talking about how great he is. He said something like "I worship the guy!"

Then he goes: "Toxic Masculinity!" - echoing a comment from the Mel post from a couple days ago.

Course, it could just be parallel thinking. Maybe Mel's message has already spread far beyond this sub.


Also, Joe just pussied out after an argument and is now kicking Nick out early.

atta boy nick

calling out the goo gobblers


go gobble goo

go gobble goo

are you pro, or anti goo-gobbling?

I can't tell if I done a good or bad thing.

fuck off with your mind tricks

Are you kidding?

I'm sure Fitzsimmons won't ask him to be on, even though he keeps claiming he was going to ask him. That's too much work, Greg only brings on fellow guilty white liberal ball-less social commentators, like himself.


Fitzsimmons, I believe, is a faggot

You would be correct.

Nah. Nick's railed against masculinity being demonized since well before "toxic masculinity" was coined as a term. It's not at all far-fetched that he'd naturally admire Mel, independent of any outside influence.

First guy to ever drop cultural Marxism on cable tv in like 2003. He’s not the smartest guy but he definitely reads books.

Nick has always been cool. Not sure why the subreddit always shots at him. He goes overboard with the politics at times (im not a liberal btw). But the guy has always been funny. And he was one of the few that will go at faggot Rogan.

I agree he is funny, when not talking about about right left bullshit. The problem is that's mostly all.he talks about. His show on Sirius was unlistenable because all he talked about was politics and Hillary.

Cankles. Always with the cankles.

I almost fucking said that in my comment.

I think it's because of the politics. I agree with him overall, but he talks about it all the time. He's still hilarious, though, unlike someone we all know...

He’s also a good actor. I hate his radio guy politics shit, but he and Bob Kelly are the only Boston/Cellar comics who are natural actors.

Particularly in Louie, before it went off the rails, like that episode where they get in an argument about politics and end up in the ER.

Who would have called that of that all that crew. Although now that I think about it he was always the most composed and calm during the skit segments on tough crowd so it makes sense.

He's definitely earned respect for turning down CP Media when they begged him to join their shitty network.

I don’t mind Nick, just he’s a one trick pony now with his everyone’s against white men. Fine once in a while, but that’s what his act/radio and podcast shows have been for god knows when.

Yea he got old I like to remember him in his glory- and he definitely was brave to be that right wing in the industry he was in. Patrice blew chances because he was selfish and stubborn Nick blew chances because of his principles.

Mel is the one to lead us all.

That isn't exactly unique for this subreddit. Mel worship is pretty common 4chan, so obviously it will occur on subs that share chan humor. This sub has exact resposts from /pol/ near daily.

1) Nick, like anyone connected to the O&A universe, reads this sub.

2) His praise of Mel is independent of that

hopefully Nicky Boy isn't just trying to tell us what we want to hear, cause that could go badly for him. But knowing Nick I doubt it. All my interactions with him on twitter included him ripping on me, but he just does that to everyone.

"Nick'll say goo gobbler in a minute. Even when he's trying to be good, he can't. 'Cause he's gangsta."

I always thought Nick was an underrated and funny motherfucker. Him and Patrice were the best guests on Tough Crowd. But when I heard him unironically say "gender is a spectrum" a few years ago because his Nephew cut his cock off or something, it was kinda sad. Like the last real guy had given up. But on his radio show he seemed to be back to the old Nick, so what the fuck do I know.

Damn now im second hand sad. I really like my extended family so I get the pressure je must have felt but to abandon long held beliefs like that sucks.

I thought the people here unspokenly listened to his free shows; I always see topics here that were discussed on the show first, but also vice versa, now that I think about it. But the term "toxic masculinity" certainly didn't come from this sub

Nicks line about how the baby on his flight was screaming like someone was using his soft spot as an ashtray was hilarious.