How romantic.

1  2019-01-25 by RBuddCumia



8 years. No ring.

This is even more pathetic than liv from livin with the webbs stupid ass

AntH told him that he will not give him an advance on his allowance for a ring no matter what! Joe even said he would take the trash out AND do the dishes for a month but no dice....

Maybe they're waiting for A. to croak. Would be a hoot if she instantly took him for half.

So overdue for a vacation

A phrase typically reserved for the employed.

For real, what the fuck?

He is such a piece of shit.

Hey being useless in Long Island can get dull, he wants to go be useless somewhere tropical I can’t blame him.

Not sure why he's got that smug look on his face, she looks like she was just fucking exhumed.

A few men boarded him in the men’s airport bathroom before he boarded the plane.

I give her the benefit of the doubt. The way she always looks to be gritting her teeth in pictures makes me think she's being held captive.

Could have sworn this cowboy boot salesman was single.

Joe is such a fat, lame fucking faggot. I truly despise this stupid fuck.

He actually thinks he’s witty and charming. That’s what makes him so hateable.

He actually thinks he’s witty and charming.

And talented, and funny, and tough, and intelligent, and slick about breaking the law, and white.

Yep. He’s a real piece of shit, that Joe Cumia.

He's also NOT a pedophile. Joe Cumia is all American.

Sounds like a real jerk!

Why? Why would he post this?

To let us know he got the girl

Oh, duh!

You could apply those questions to 95% of his posts.

So obviously gay

He will take time out of his vacation to tweet horrible things about the woman sitting at the window.

Joe is mushy in body form

He's referring to his dick. Poor carol has to shoot him up with testosterone to make it hard

In fairness, who could get hard for her?

Happy birthday, I’ll see you in hell?

Besitos papi 😘

Tienes carameles para garganta? I feel a sickness coming on

Go gargle with some Fabuloso, mijita.

I legit shrieked like a girl seeing a monster when that pic loaded

This 70 year old uses emojis like a 12 year old, and his "hot woman" looks like "Wendy", the meth head street hooker from Breaking Bad.

He’s practiced that smug look for years in lieu of actually doing anything that would justify it.

Joe types like a retarded faggot. Probably because he is a retarded faggot.

Talking about their deaths with those awful emojis is disturbing.

Spirit Airlines somehow managed to get even trashier.

Must've taken all of his strength to point the camera at himself when there is clearly a &$;;-: sitting in the next seat over.

What happened Joe, Ant didn't spring for first class?

Checkmate virgins, this is how you serenade a woman. He got the girl

You know what the absolute saddest thing about the Cumia brothers is

As emotionally retarded as Joe is, you still see him involved in a long term relationship with a woman his age, and he seems to genuinely love her.

Meanwhile his miserable loser of a brother, the 60 year old who never turned 16, refuses to countenance the idea of being with a girl born before 9/11, steadfastly refuses to admit that love exists, and has never experienced a relationship that lasted more than 15 days.

So as impossible as it seems, there is actually a creature out there who is less mature than Joseph Cumia.

I’ll repeat that, because it beats repeating:

Less mature.


Joe Cumia.

I love how he's such a racist, he made his girl sit next to the large black woman with purple hair.

Tags himself in his own post, immediately makes it about himself, writes like a 9year old and uses more smileys than a korean teenager. What a boob this man is

He uses more emojis in one post than I have my entire life.

what type of faggit takes a selfie on a plane.