Anthony went on Steven Crowder's podcast and told all the same stories and lied about his firing again. Also, Crowder's skits are fucking dogshit.

1  2019-01-25 by Cumia_Box


you know, I had the legion of skanks in my house!

And my pool!

My pool and my video game monitor!

The skits probably suck because Owen Benjamin is “off the team”.

no, they have always sucked ass.

I know. I was joking.

I know. I just can't let that slide even so. That's how fucking bad they are


I think Joe Matarese writes his skits now.


So are they about being Italian or being a pill head?

Crowded is a filthy nigger

I wouldn't hit the play button at gun point

I stopped listening to things Anthony does because I've already heard every story he tells

Even he's obsession when Opie is so boring q

Kind of an everyone wins deal ain't it.

My wife lied to me about being a virgin change my mind

And give me the 3 digits on the back of your credit card

He's embarrassingly unfunny. There's a reason he quit stand up. I wish he would just be a straight commentator and lose the schtick and the bullshit. My favorite is how he basically hired those haughtily laughing fags to hang out in studio and laugh at everything he says, but then when you hear him do a live show, it's just one awkward clunker after another. Reality bites.

That could be a statement about either of them.

Nana should refer big a and Bobo to him, vice versa

Hes living off that Arthur money

that show is fucking horrible.

Oh yeah guys. By the way, ant didn't say it was banned. Steven Crowder thought it was banned because he didn't know the name and just read "his book, permanently suspended" on the show prep. No joke. He thought his book was banned because of its name.

As someone who didn't watch: I'm sure Anthony corrected him and told him the book is readily available, right?

No it's a coloring book

nice copying and pasting your own comment, stupid

Who cares besides you?

He thought "Permanently Suspended:" was an editor's note.

Its kind of fun seeing him on split screen with a professional studio. Just shows how dog shit horrible his production is and how inhuman he looks.

I was seriously not prepared for the moment he showed up on screen, he looks like a swamp creature next to Crowder.

Crowder is Rebel Media/Ben Shapiro tier token white Jew shabbos goy cuckservative. I hope he gets clubbed in the skull by a brother trying to steal his wallet. Go back to Canada cringe FAGGOT.

And fuck Anthony for being too stupid to know the real source of the issues that he hates. This whole group is the low grade wannabe alt-right.

Seriously, who would you recommend people listen to?

You're notoriously in every thread, you are obviously a fan...

pm me if you care that much

Naw, you're asking me to help get a couch into the van.

I don't care about you though

Why would I private message u? Do you like O&A or anything?


Steven Crowder is an autistic little cuckold. He has no idea how to interact with people and just makes every situation awkward and uncomfortable.

Gavin: Hey you know when insert relatable situation

Steven: No I don't

Gavin: I mean it's like insert understandable reaction to situation

Steven: No it's not

Gavin: .....

Steven: .....

He's not charismatic or funny or intelligent or interesting or talented at anything or notable in anyway. He is the definition of forced. He has a platform because he has a platform. He's just there.

Every conservative voice after Hannity was forced. Why do you think there's no end to the stream of [smarmy white guy], [pretty blonde bimbo in a tight dress], and [black male/female with really white teeth] who all say the exact same thing and go conservative? They're all engineered like Disney kids.

“He’s just there “lol. Yeah h me sucks. He reminds of a kid that was a loser that went to Aeropostale on a weekend and decided he was cool. And then he wore the same Aeropostale clothes for 4 more years

Crowder is a douche, but he puts out some good shit sometimes. Crowder Confronts is pure gold. His Change My Mind vids are good too, but it's a guilty pleasure since he's debating dumb college kids who have no grasp of their beliefs. It'd be way better if he debated the professors.

How does crowder have a set that looks better than a multi-million dollar media empire?

Sitting in front of a green screen was really awesome 15 years ago. It seemed futuristic.

Now it looks horrible, and you can just as easily pull up videos without any of that.

Cuz Ant is lazy and Keith is incompetent

Most of this conservative media is fucking retarded.

He was entertaining for 5 minutes 3 years ago, do people still watch this shit? Also, he says the most basic bitch obvious shit, but in a high-pitched smug tone as though he's the first one to think it. His co-host is Sam levels of talentless too.

the one good thing Big Amy did was rip on Crowder for being a christian comic on fox news

I was seriously not prepared for the moment he showed up on screen, he looks like a swamp creature next to Crowder.