If anyone still feels bad for Anthony, this is how that nigger acted when he had money.

1  2019-01-25 by jd-art


Who is the dirt ball with a dick beside him?

Some skank


Anthony Cumia.

With all that money he could have bought a better looking 12 year old.

Melissa Stetten

He is going to die alone just like Jim.

At his cat will have a good meal when he dies, rendering Nana's life not completely worthless.

Can't say the same for The Worm.

Beavis will immediately vomit/ die if he tries to eat that old pedo. The man is poison.

Like a sponge that's been soaking in Bud Light for 68 years.

No, whatever parasites he has amassed will be there, unless he has lost all of his assets. Just picture how these vultures would have been circling around Roe if her net worth had been above zero. That's what waits for Anthony.

Opester will be surrounded by his wife, kids, grandkids, and empty grapefruit IPAs.

His last words, “check out the empties brah”

he'll really take any yuck girl as long they look young, won't they?

He never visited his mother, so what was his excuse for saying in NY? He could have easily paid some nuthuggers to hang out with him in a place like Texas, or Florida and have twice as much money, and ten times the amount of property. He really is a fucking nigger.

Because he would NEVER get even half of what was put into turning that house into an unsellable neverland ranch with a karaoke setup worthy of only the most white trash of divebars

AND A POOL! *Ooooooo

I get that all models don't look beautiful 100% of the time; there's always some makeup, ideal lighting, "my good side," and even photoshopping involved.

But literally every time I see a picture of Stetted that isn't painstakingly arranged like the photographic equivalent of a Rube Goldberg machine, she looks plain at best.

I'm pretty sure if I saw a picture of Tyra Banks renewing her license at the DMV, there's a 90% chance she would look like an attractive woman. But with Stetten, unless the planets are aligned in exactly the correct way, she looks like Jim Varney.

And she (and Anthony) dares to call herself a model?

Something quite unsettling with how retarded she looks. Like this girl can't legally consent to have sex

quite unsettling fukkin hot

She looks A Bug’s Life

My shoes hurt

I didnt know fetal alcohol syndrome was sexually transmitted

Holy shit!

Horse tooth jackass says what ?

Nice Brundlefly face, stupid.

fucking warn people you piece of shit

Look at those chompers.

Girl could chew her way through the Brooklyn Bridge

"Plain" is a great description. She's borderline Amish-looking.

Some "models" are just hangers to put clothes on, and their faces are canvases to paint a pretty face on with makeup. A personality (or failing that, a unique look), would just get in the way. But this is almost aggressively plain.

If you’re a young woman who’s able to stay 20 pounds underweight, you can probably be a model.

And wouldn’t you know? After they get too old, 100% of them turn into hardcore feminists and complain about being objectified.

Christ, that’s Stetten?

I don't think so... teeth are all wrong.

Those tranny operations cost money

Gollum photobomb

American money looks so cheap and fragile. Check out british notes, way better and more classy, like the people.

Oi ya got eh loicense fo dat comment m8?

hahaha except every country uses the dollar. you're welcome.

the dollar is nigger money.

good one.

Touch a dollar and you've touched a nigger. FILTHY!

Touch a pound and you've touched a muzzy. Don't they wipe their asses with their hands? FILTHY!

At least we don't elect our minorities to high office, cuck faggots

Canida uses da Looney eh and that's just a coin. There's nothing under 5 or 10 in paper money. You don't know what you're talking aboot

Jingly-pocketed goose fuckers.

He was playing with house money, fam.

Anthony is such a character. Can't help but love em!

Ol' Teens & Green Cumio

"This is the amount it takes per month to keep this 6 staying here."

6? That’s generous.

Not even in Scranton.

Nice red alcoholic face, stupid.

It’s a mix of alcohol and him being on his ideal vacation: the cruise.

He kind of looks like a Mexican Katt Williams in this picture.

It was always so cringe when he'd hit on girls on the show

"I have a big house, a pool, I can get a limo to pick you up, we can do some karaoke or watch a movie in my theater"

When your face is fucked up, I guess he had his reasons.

He could be more subtle. "Hey girls I have a pool, and a HOTTUB, heh heh heh." You know who else has a pool? Every idiot who ever bought a house and didn't realize what a horrible idea it is to own one. Lowers the resale value, too.

Pools and hot tubs are overrated. Everyone that I've known who has owned one or both of them never uses them more than once or twice a year.

I live in Las Vegas and that's not true. Pools very common here. Use them 4-5 months out of year. And not really hard to maintain. You can get a guy to swing by once a week to add chemicals and empty filter baskets for 100 a month.

I feel like they fall into the same category as boats; It's cool if your friend owns one, but it's almost never worth having your own.

Weird. I will admit to being a fan of pools, had a house with an in ground kidney shaped. Used it daily. Wifeys parents have an above ground they use every weekend at least.

Does it? Why?

Doesn’t necessarily lower it. Doesn’t help though. It’s essntially money you’ll never see back.

I’ll bet he misses those days. All he has now is a sock full of pennies and nickels.

Strange that he doesn't take pictures like this anymore...

Or guns photos, hm... Strange.

"Hey Keith, can I get a cash advance on my credit card to show that reddit assholes?"

"Only if you want it in ones"

If only there was a phrase that described the general demeanor of a schwoogie when they get rich

Cumia rich?

Its actually nigger rich

Michigan Trailer Trash.

Why does younger always equal hotter to this freak?

Why does this negro continue to claim that he's not a blackman?

Ever notice how it's only black people and dagos that take pictures of themselves smugly holding wads of cash?

You left out Wiggers.

Cool hotdog skin, you dumb-ass guinea. How are you italian and still tan this poorly. Or is he blushing thinking about tranny cock?

Nice 14 year old stupid

Anthony's taste in girls is as trashy as his dago appearance.

Nice John Waters pencil mustache, stupid

Take a moment and just imagine Joe Cumia with money. Now imagine Joe Cumia with an older brother he looks up to and fears, and the older brother is Joe Cumia. You have just imagined Anthony Cumia.

Bragging to his cocoa butter-scented friends how he's with the hottest girl in the trailer park.

stetten was too good for him

$40-$60k? Hottie spinner girl... god damn those were the days

I'm supposed to be jealous of that meth face?

Victorville 7

Bitch look like she makin internet troll face.

now he's nigga rich

He's probably the kind of tacky gentlemen who would take selfies with firearms. I'm just joshing, that's a really mean accusation. I would never accuse a lovely weathered outdoor wooden picnic table face like that man. He looks honest and Arabic. lol See you at the cabstand sandy.

He looks like Joe in this pic

She has baby teeth

Golly and Gaddafi

He could be more subtle. "Hey girls I have a pool, and a HOTTUB, heh heh heh." You know who else has a pool? Every idiot who ever bought a house and didn't realize what a horrible idea it is to own one. Lowers the resale value, too.

Not even in Scranton.

Pools and hot tubs are overrated. Everyone that I've known who has owned one or both of them never uses them more than once or twice a year.

Does it? Why?

Doesn’t necessarily lower it. Doesn’t help though. It’s essntially money you’ll never see back.