Reminder: Joe has less than 10 days to lose 25lbs. Watch.

1  2019-01-25 by crookedmile


So we starting a pool on his actual weight? my money is on 250

If he is a hair under 270 then Anthony is white

Good point. I stupidly discounted that Joe would lie about his starting weight as well.

He has got to be pushing three bills. I have the images to prove it.

Chris from California is a faggot

That ballwashing loser used to post here until he couldn't take the Anthony hate anymore. I bet he still hasn't scored that coveted Compound invite yet, even after his years of service.

He won't say anything about this until it's time for next year's resolutions. Hopefully he'll be dead by then.

He better hope his HIV goes full blown AIDS.

Joe would be the only lazy faggot that dies at his highest weight ever. It will be the episode of 600 lbs life where they keep teasing that this motherfucker definitely won't make it


What a cow-eyed ‘tard. Nice resolution, fatzo.

This faggot ain’t 6’1 he’s barely taller than his midget brother

I guarantee it pisses manlet Anthony off when he brags about his height, but Anthony is, as usual, too much of a pussy to say anything.

His tweet after the Schneider you can do it, I can still see myself urinate. If you know what I mean. He then explains what he meant. We got it

You know that fag has an inverted penis.

Then he calls it a "Willy-Johnson." I've never heard a penis described as such, and why is there a hyphen? Is his penis married, and also keeping its maiden name?

it's married to fake bono's mouth

It’s a open marriage.

This faggot congratulations himself for just saying he's going to diet. Absolutely worthless.

And spoilers, fatty fatfuck isn't gonna lose shit. If he had an ounce of willpower, he wouldn't have been unemployed for 68 years.

He gave his dick a name.

If Joe is actually 6'1" then he weighs way fucking more than 245. People at that height can make 245 look height-weight proportionate. Joe looks like he has a literal garbage sack full of shit tied to his abdomen.

I'm 6'3" and at my heaviest 305lbs numerous people would consider me "skinny". My long arms and broad shoulders hid my shitty midsection well.

When I eventually got down to 195lbs a year and a half later, my family was concerned that I was anorexic even though all I did was start eating 80% veggies and 20% meats and fish. To the average American, if you're the actual weight you're supposed to be, people think you're "starving".

I'm 6'3" and at my heaviest (305) numerous people would consider me "skinny" and say I looked to be at perfectly healthy weight.

Yo man, you must be hanging around with some fat motherfuckers then, cause when I got to 230 my friends would give me shit about my gut. And I'm 6'1". That said, since you're not a land monster anymore, does your hog look bigger?

Nobody thought you were skinny, tiddies.

Joe shows solidarity with his brother who was banned from twitter by tweeting 400 times a day.

I'm luck [sic] to be 6'1"..i can still see myself urinate, if you know what I mean. The gut has not yet obscured my view of the ol' Willy-Johnson."

He felt the need to explain the "i haven't seen my own dick in years" joke. The man should be put in a care home.

Nice discipline, stupid

I hope he’s keeping up with his egg mayonnaise salt diet

How the fuck did Joe manage to be 6’1” while Anthony is 5’7” at best.. there usually isn’t THAT much height difference between brothers that have the same mom & dad.

In Joe's defense he has lots of water in his brain that unfairly pushes his weight up.

Fad diets don't work long term. A guy of Joe's advanced age needs a comprehensive diet and exercise plan that is sustainable for the duration of his life. This can be accomplished quickly by throwing himself off the fucking GWB tomorrow night and screaming the whole way down.

He spends way too much time on Twitter. Quit fucking responding to each and every comment, ya Moorish retard.

So his 2019 goal is to be 40 pounds overweight?

Ok - Lets punch in some numbers here:

Assuming Joe was being truthful (he wasn't): he is 6'1 and 245.

According to this resource at those weight levels, he currently needs to stuff 2,734 calories into his giant bovine mouth just to maintain his current weight. That is a lot. If he is even fatter (as I suspect) then he is probably clearing well over a truly disgusting 3000 calories a day.

So to lose 20 pounds in 30 pays, he would need to go for a 30 min run once a day, a 30 min walk once a day, and drop to 1,011 cals per day. Dropping the twenty would be even easier as we know damn well he is considerably over 245 and his maintenance calories are a hell of a lot higher.

If instead we base this exercise in reality, Joe could drop from his truly disgusting 300 pound frame to something approaching human and lose 20 points in 30 days, by adding a bit of exercise and taking in a reasonable 1,956 calories per day.

TLDR - Joe is a fat gay liar, incapable of telling the truth about his weight. He is also incapable of both exercise, and a modicum of self-honesty.

the best part is how Joe feels qualified to motivate others when he hasn’t lost shit.

Boomers sure do love hashtags don’t they