Ducks on the Ave has removed all reviews from their FB page and new ones can longer be posted

1  2019-01-25 by RelevantField



Phase 1 ✔

"Oh yeah dats right. What are the phases again, Sam? "

Oh no that's terrible why would they do such a thing

Went there once to try out there soda bar. The workers held me down and shoved a bowling pin up my ass. The pizza was ok though

You understand how weird it is when an establishment you've been to and have known your entire life gets harassed by this Subreddit? It's surreal like two dimensions coming in contact with escort

Wha happen

Linger longer

Worlds have collided!

Give em a little "feed nana" and a wink next time you get your shoes

Can you confirm all the accusations against them?

Enough about the big Apple ranch

Next time ask them for the /u/JuulSantana Special

Well, based on the "condom at a baby changing station" snippet I just read, they clearly don't have that same level authority over their Google reviews.

Ant likes mini bowling apparently.

He assured us that he fuck the bowling pin instead of sticking up his loss ass


Mini blowing too.

Yup, Google reviews are still up. Just try not to say anything liable

The review about the daughter with epilepsy having a seizure and rolling down the lane after slipping on employee spit with the phrase - "talk about a gutter" at the end gave me the biggest laugh of the year so far.

Was that on Facebook or Google Reviews? I must read this now.

Facebook, those Duck faggots deleted it. I can try to recreate it to the best of my memory if you'd like.

If you're willing to put in the effort, i'd appreciate it

I took my family to this place and had a negative experience from the jump.

When I arrived to the counter and asking for a 40oz ball, the staff member rolled down his pants to reveal what couldn't be more than 4oz. Not the ball I was talking about, eeck. Then he told me that I "didn't have what it takes to bowl at the duck" and refused to give me shoes for another 5 minutes.

The employees were raunchy, spitting all over the place and the place was very filthy. When my daughter with epilepsy slipped on some of the employees' spit, she had a seizure and began to roll down the lane we were playing. Talk about a gutter.

After we decided to leave, one of the employees put my wife's hands on his cock and said "I know you nubiles loves this". RACIST!

The nachos gave me autism. 2/5 stars.

Nubians not nubiles

Appreciate the correction.

No problem

You're a good egg.

Happy to spread the joy.

anyone got a screenshot?

So it's Yelp and TripAdvisor then.

It's google review time baby. and Yelp.

Too late. We already know about what goes on behind the pinsetters.

I missed the reason Ducks was catching shit. Were the letting bro joe host a child spit competition?

So wa happened? I'm assuming joe had a gig there that this place got cancelled? If so, does that mean we have another people's court to look forward to?

Joe knew the guy and purposely posted that he had a show booked there. I don't know what his end goal was but it back fired on them.

That's the running theory.

It's always a treat to see these boomer retards of Joe's ilk talking tough and then having to back down because they don't understand how the internet works.

You love a treat, don't you tubby?