Lonely queen with her 2 bulls

1  2019-01-25 by uncle_paul_harrghis


No way is The Worm 5'7 if Michael K Williams is 5'10... way more than 3 inches between them!

Anth and Jimmy only stand up straight to get their height measured, obviously

Jamie Hector blocked me on twitter because i asked him if his family smuggled blood diamonds back from Africa in his massive dome. Not sure if he was offended or my shitty attempt at a joke.

To be fair, he does have an enourmous fuckin retard water head.

This was just after the gang bang. People laughed when Jim bought that cum shield vest but now who's laughing?

Guys We've Fucked

AIDS/aids/Kunta Kinte

The thought of getting pig roasted by these two studs is often a go-to scenario in his mind during autoerotic asphyxiation sessions. Creepy cunty zilch.

Had no idea Omar from the wire was a fag in real life.

"I love @jamiehector and @bkbmg"

This asshole loves every guy who can throw a punch.

Norton felt cute and hot that day

“Felt cute. PrEP might delete my AIDS later.”

That smile.

Looks like that vest he’s wearing has caught it’s fair share of cum loads too.