Everyone on Reddit is gay 1/they all are

1  2019-01-25 by bmfanboy


I was going to stick up for a man playing with his daughter in that dress until i payed attention.

Me too....til I noticed it was a boy......

This is so fucking retarded. Quit enabling your son to be a faggot and man up.

Even if my father did this, he would never allow it to be posted on social media

your father KNOWS where to draw the line, sounds like a good hot dude

Even if my father did this

he obviously did

Right, teach the kid to throw a curve ball or how to make a good martini.

yup and "WE're" the bad guys..... fucked up world

That kid is gonna be so woke and progressive up until his suicide at 23.

I believe by the proper IDENTIFICATION will be "HER suicide at 23"

This lunatic is probably convinced he's doing great things by teaching his son to act like a woman.

And instead of keeping it a shameful family secret, he goes and uploads this for admiration from fellow faggots.

It is all a great big wheel, except the spokes are cocks and the wheel leaks ejaculate.

Imagine the kids now in middle school and isn’t a cross dressing homo despite his parents attempts. He’s going to hate his parents for attempting to ruin his life for their attention.

Squeaky wheel gets the cum, I always say

"Imagine how progressive the reddit fags will think I am"

how many upvotes did this garner? did the machine break?

OP was deleted lol. Probably got bombarded with hate DMs. Good work, autists.

Why does it look like the dad is way more into this than the boy is?

Stop using your son as an excuse to wear a dress and take out the fucking garbage.

I'm curious as to his wife's true feelings concerning this.

If at all, it should be the wife pushing this bullshit and the husband opposing it. This guy is a disgrace.

At least learn how to properly dance you sack of shit.

At that kids age I was bartending for my dad and his drunk friends.

Oh shuuuuuuuurrrreeee, we used ta give ya a sip of the dizzy water and put ya on all our laps.

I really truly believe that deep down, the obsession with gender bending stems from an unconscious hatred of women and a desire to destroy femininity.

When a bearded soyboy raises his son to be a girl, or champions trannies, he might say he’s doing it to promote equality but I really think it’s a desire to erase females and make all humans male.

I’ve said this a thousand times but you can’t be in favor of trannies and value femininity at the same time. A woman is more than just an insane, mutilated man.

This is truly a sign that we’re living in the clownest or clown worlds that I, an actual fascist, am more of a feminist than these “progressives” are.

But then wouldn't all the women be butch instead of making their husbands and boys act like fags?

He recorded it and performed for the camera just so everyone can tell him what a great father he is

Meanwhile Russian fathers are training their six year old sons in full contact Sambo and Krav Maga while Chinese boys are raised in a pitilessly competitive academic environment. Good luck with the future, the West.

ISIS recruitment vids are getting verrrrrry good.

What a great dad!

Even if my father did this, he would never allow it to be posted on social media

Right, teach the kid to throw a curve ball or how to make a good martini.