Reminder: A 60 year old man took a selfie at the dentist to congratulate himself for not screaming

1  2019-01-25 by SpudPeelinJoe


How embarrassing...

Ant should get his ears pierced too

His throat*

What a big boy ❤

Life pro tip: always be nice to people who just got dental work. They might just reward your kindness with drugs

When I had my wisdom teeth removed, they gave me 10/325 hydrocodone (10 milligrams hydrocodone/325 milligrams acetaminophen). I called the dentist back and said it wasn't helping with the pain much, in hopes of them giving me something better like oxycontin. Then the dentist called in a script for 10/650 hydrocodone. What a troll-like move, though I did get both scripts filled, so I still came out on top.

Just 10? I got 60 when i had my wisdom teeth removed.

The 10 is referring to the amount of hydrocodone per pill. No, I got 60 as well.

If a creature like you showed up in dental chair I wouldn't even drug you and rape you.

You’re a degenerate.

You pay cash because you dont have insurance like a grown up

He writes it as if it makes a difference to them at all.

No joe, all it makes them think is youre an illegal getting paid under the table

And the cash is his younger brother's.

"one of those" is right.

Holy fuck is he obnoxious.

Little shop of horrors.

He's bragging about not having dental insurance?

HAHA you probably live on your MOTHER'S insurance, libtard. Does it also pay for pizza rolls in her basement? Real men pay CA$H #putmymoneywheremymouthis #ihavenowisdomteethitsthedamndestthing #2U

jesus christ im reading thru the replies - is everyone from here on their alt accounts in that thread, or are the masses finally waking up to the racist misogynist non-pedophile that is Joe?

Joe had to get a large amount of dried semen scraped off. "Dicksuckers Plaque " is the proper medical term if anyone is curious.