Anthony Cumia: PROUD PATRIOT!

1  2019-01-25 by jd-art


Figures the Crowder fans are a pack of retards

Cumio believes life begins at conception. This way he can claim a girl that is 16 and three months is actually 17

The twink-fucker defense.

dudes username is uTrueAmericanValues

they are a walking joke

Then don't put the /u/ ya fucking retard

Quoting it (as I just did) does the same thing, while still making it obvious it's a reddit username, genius...

dudes username is


you get angry over weird things

He says odd shit to people.

Faggot probably jerks off and plays video games all day.

I mean so do I but I don't pretend to be more than I am.

We talk to people on both sides - the right and the left. That's why all my guests are people with my same exact views who agree with me all the time.

Well youre just being dumb now. His most popular type of video is the change my mind segment. He also has several videos of him debating people on the opposite side. Suck a diiiick

His "change my mind" segments are literally him going over a prep sheet in the days before with gotcha factoids to seem much smarter and right against passionate people who are completely unprepared and caught off guard. It's garbage and he's the dick for using it to expand his brand and views. Suck a diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick.

If any of those people knew of him before they got worked up by his posters they'd just ignore him. Since he's mostly a nobody outside the internet conservative echo chamber though, they take the bait.

Plenty of those people knew him. Obviously uou dont know what youre talking about bud. "Factoid" you meab facts ok. Going over a prep sheet? You mean making sure he knows what he is talking about and being informed? Prepared or un prepared they sat down and thought they were prepared until faced with the fact that they dont know much about thier own position. Suck a diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

I meab, youre wrong bud.

Gay too

He's gay and those segments are used to trick retards. I dont understand how people would watch that or Tucker, they bring on morons and have facts that the morons probably never heard of cause they stay in their bubbles.

Saying those retards are 'unprepared' makes it seem like if they had time to prepare they'd be able to prove a point. I think they'd still come off as idiots

That’s media on both sides now tbh. Fox, CNN and msnbc do the same things. They’ll always have on token retards from the other sides so that the boomer fags watching think the opposition are retards and should be immediately discounted.

You mean the videos where he puts the feeble knowledge of teens parroting what their professors and (((the media))) have told them to think against Crowder and his mountains of materials supporting anything he could ever want to say? I used to like those too, really seems like he's keen to change his mind.

The binders of statistics supporting his current agenda really scream "I want to change my position!"

I dont see whats wrong with any of that, i mean other than he clearly doesnt want his mind changed. Whats wrong with showing them a whole different oyher side of an argument that they never even considered.

You don't see what's wrong with the entire premise of his videos being fake? I agree that it's good to be exposed to viewpoints that are opposite of your own, but he's being a complete faggot fraud about it.

Youre right about that.

Shut up, stupid.

Shut up, stupid.

Whats wrong with showing them a whole different oyher side of an argument that they never even considered.

Because if you really felt that way, you wouldn't watch videos that entrench you in options that you already held, you'd watch videos that support the other side of the argument.

I know exercise is good for me, yet i hardly do it. We all know whats good for us, for the most part yet we dont do those things. Whats your point?

Whats your point?

That you're a dullard. CHANGE MY MIND!

Ok bud.

See? It's pretty hard to do when you don't have days to prepare and weeks to edit.

I was smart enough not to try. To be fair, i never said it wasnt hard. Im just saying those students chose to try. Your points are fair. Also i dont think he edits indiviual conversations.

“Change my Mind” blows. It’s him debating randos and children. The worst possible purveyors of the opposing side failing to change his mind means jack dick.

Some of the biggest faggot asslickers of all


I’ve missed you, nigger girl.

.... says beast who has probably had multiple abortions

Nice racism with complete lack of humor, stupid.

Nice whiteknighting, stupid.

You would still have your gun if you could BEHAVE.

The woman disoriented him and therefore misplaced his gun by proxy, Antwan punished her according to traditional Islamic law. He threw in a stomping because he’s a nigga in his own house (his own words)

He hired some drug whore to treat him like a ninja in his own house

I thought she was his daughter

He also had a permit to carry in NYC, which is very difficult to obtain.

Did he really? I didn't think it was possible for anyone non-law enforcement to be licensed for concealed or open carry in NYC

He did. I’m guessing his connections with Keith helped.

Also, during the time he got his permit there was a huge 'pay to play' thing going on with the NYPDs issuing officers. I wouldn't put it past Pizza Face to pony up a few grand and some invites to the Compound Petting Zoo so he could fulfill his vigilante fantasy.

NYPD dealt with brokers who would basically resell CCWs to their customers, a bunch of Shomrim (Hasidic "cops") got them and were flexing on non-Hasidic people.

He spent a ridiculous amount of time and money obtaining it to throw it away because he got so frightened of his 102lb girlfriend he tried to strangle her

They tend to let celebrities have them. I believe Stern also has a carry permit.

So he lost his permit when he fell into obscurity

I believe he lost it when he decided to violently attack his girlfriend.

Does he mean a fetus or an actual 9 month old? Why would an abortion doctor shoot a baby?

He didn’t think this one through. Which is weird because his decision making is usually a well thought out process. It’s also not funny.


Nothing in the Constitution focuses on abortion...

You’re right.

Probably dont go to a pro life website for your impartial abortion news

Partial birth abortions are against federal law though. And the Supreme Court upheld the law.

Jesus Christ why do the Jews need to be able to kill literal children isn't it enough that you get your pussy vaccummed within 3 months? How fucking busy are you that you are waiting till your water breaks to get an abortion? Sterilize these fucking cunts

Cumio believes life begins at conception. This way he can claim a girl that is 16 and three months is actually 17

They just set a law in NY that abortions can take place at the birth date.

Congratulations, Mrs. Smith! It's a healthy, brand new baby boy!
Doctor then brains it with a hammer

Holy shit. I imagine shit has to be pretty bad to perform an abortion at the scheduled birth date.

There is no medical condition that would require an abortion of a baby in the third trimester. This is just for people who decide they don’t want their child. I have no issue with a first term abortion, I’m up in the air about second term abortions, but allowing an abortion up to a baby’s actual birth is unconscionable to me.

Are you a doctor?

Why do you care if people kill their babies? I'm guessing the kind of parents who'd abort their kid the day before birth weren't going to be the worlds greatest parents anyway. You're still allowed to have a kid and raise it, what's the problem?

Why do I care if someone kills their baby? I’m not sure if you’re serious.

I am. Who gives a fuck, it's their baby, they obviously weren't gonna be good parents, why do things that have no effect on you bother you?

There are billions of children who have no effect on me. Should I also be ok with them being killed? Humans can't remember the first year of their life. Are you ok with it being a free for all on 1 year old babies? I'm really not understanding your argument.

Yeah you should, why does it matter?

it allows an abortion at any date if the mother's health is in danger

Including her “emotional health.”

oh yeah god forbid the mom's health be in danger, just kill the baby!

adult with friends and family > some whiny shit stain. Check out places like india, middle east or north africa to see how 'babies good and abortions bad' is working out.

India has pretty permissive abortion laws basically in line with Europe. It’s the US which has the bloodthirsty abortion laws.

"Still funny", right.

What a dumb fucking right wing parroting guinea. There’s no way he believes this.

Also, behave.

I’m taking that top comment as satire so that the little faith I have in humanity remains.


When Anthony was still on his first Twitter account someone asked "So you're pretty much a republican now?" And he responded with "No, I love abortion."

Well he's a degenerate above all other titles.

"family values"

Male Cumia values line up exactly with those of Somalia.

I love how that first comment is immediately on the defense. Nobody would make a comment like that if he was actually still funny.

I'm still worth having sex with

Also I’d like to know how often that guy listens to him

I thought he got sick and died last week. You learn something new every day.

This Cumia fella is a riot.

Steven Crowder CUTS off FEMINIST's HEAD before SHITTING down her LIFELESS TORSO in this EPIC debate.

Reminder: This faggot tried to pass of his lack of sexual experience as a virtue

Nice complete lack of experience, stupid, I bet his wife was massively disappointed by 'their first time'; chubby fuck probably blew his load before finding her cunt. Imagine being married to this much of a tryhard loser, his whore of a wife was getting railed while this guy was 'saving his virginity'. More like 'waiting for Jamal to finish'.

10 deep breaths buddy

But i'm mad now

We all are, pal. It's gonna be okay.

He also has not had a kid yet and Takes every opportunity to cross dress or wear some gay outfit, dudes. Complete closet queer using his religion to fight his urge for cock

I don’t get this attitude like if Tim Tebow for religious reasons doesn’t want to have sex before marriage so what. It comes of as really whiny for you to complain. It seems like the only two healthy reactions to that would be more for me or good for him that shows will power. Your response screams reeeeeeeeee I can’t get any and I’m trying so a guy like Tebow who could be fucking his way across the US is just rubbing it in.

“I love a good abortion.” - Anthony Cumia circa 2012

"Rake it out of there"-

Anthony Cumia at some point in last 10 years.

Cumia is still funny and worth watching

Thanks Keith.

I’m still hilarious

I'm genuinely not sure if Ant still does a show or if he's in end of life care.

Oh shit! Now he can truthfully say "I've been called 'still funny' before"

Then move to one of the 57 states that have lenient gun laws and stop your bitching.

Only faggots could bare watching these 2 men.

That's actually funny. Ant didn't say this.


Anthony's smile gets really big when he says "9 month old"

Another FAGGOT circlejerk bait alt-left thread

Another triggered are what you hate whiny bitch. Literally no different than tranny MA’AM fag.

Alt Right humor is for boomers.

People like /u/FJBruiser have only seen the shows when he still had Gavin I guarentee it

You are fake News. I was an O and A fan back in the day. I followed Anthony since he started his own thing. I don’t understand how you get that I only saw a small portion of his shows because I said he’s still funny after al these years. He never dipped. So if you were trying to take a dog, please go fuck yourself with a garden hose.

you're seething

I think an “abortion doctor” would have more specific tools and equipment for such a procedure

Two closeted homosexuals, two terrible shows.

I posted there once, something totally innocent, and was banned immediately.

adult with friends and family > some whiny shit stain. Check out places like india, middle east or north africa to see how 'babies good and abortions bad' is working out.

Male Cumia values line up exactly with those of Somalia.

You are fake News. I was an O and A fan back in the day. I followed Anthony since he started his own thing. I don’t understand how you get that I only saw a small portion of his shows because I said he’s still funny after al these years. He never dipped. So if you were trying to take a dog, please go fuck yourself with a garden hose.