Christmas time in Hollis Queens

1  2019-01-25 by nomobjustice


Wew Anthony saying that he hated it while Ope said it was right on

What a miserable looking bunch. Also notice how, because Anthony is forced to drink a soft drink on camera (due to his plea/court ordered rehab to avoid prison for beating and biting an 80 pound female) that means his financial dependents, I mean siblings, must also stick to non-alcoholic beverages in his presence. If he can't enjoy himself, no one can!

I wish someone would reupload the livestream of that fire island "vape session" from that era.

Was that the one where he and Keith were getting rim jobs from those 2 Honduran twinks?

The guy that takes care of my yard dresses better than Joe.

I’m gonna wear my classy muscle shirt

Winter time=sun glasses

Not defending BroMo but when the sun is shining and there's pure white snow on the ground, the glare causes me intense pain in my eyes. So I need sunglasses lol