Jim Norton used to venomously call people he hated Faggots. Now he's too scared to use that word because his corporate overlords would fire him. What a faggoty ball sucker!

1  2019-01-25 by TweetsOfDoom


He also dates men so...

The proper term is Shemales

The proper term is faggots

Don't give him that much credit. He merely pays $60k for their company, stalks them, & then tells podcasters that he's "in a relationship."

Actually, they reject him too. He has no one. He is alone. He will die alone. It will be the smell of his body that alerts his neighbors to call the police to find out if the “creepy guy that lives upstairs” is dead, finally.

Yeah it's called change. Howard Stern stopped using it as well years ago testicle face

Shut up faggot.

He’s a faggot

One time he said the ocean is a faggot

That's kind of like a less original "faggot cunt nigger deer"

Omg that insult is amazeballs!



Dat Michael Jordan is phony!

He's such a lost cause. He actually used to be edgy even though it was all an act. Now he's an embarrassing idiot.

Anthony is his "embarrassing" non-Hollywood friend. Tells you all you need to know about the fucking social climbing worm. Fucking Rappaport New York FAGGOT!

Watch it guy, he's a new york kike

Why won't he risk his high paying job to say a word!

Why won't he stop pretending to be some ruthless rebel comedian if he's really a worm!

That i can't answer. but i'm sure he knows demand for 50 something almost-ran comedians is pretty slim.

OK but there's a world between pitbull and lapdog. The guy's got money and even if he spent it all on tranny ass there's no shame in running the chuckle circuit to make a living.

Remember when he used to shit on everyone else for not saying what they really wanted to say with their own real names on the Internet? Saying, basically, they were cowards for not putting their own name behind the words and ideas they wanted to use? Remember how it took two seconds to see the flaw in blaming the commentor for their desire to speak anonymously? Remember that? Yeah, he doesn’t. The irony is completely lost on him. He’s very stupid. He’s a very stupid fella.

Risk what, exactly? He got a three year contract. It's clear Jim and Sam put in zero effort and management couldn't give a shit at all. There's no risk whatsoever. Jim just goes wherever the wind blows.

Shut up you thinly veiled politically correct SJW faggot.

LOL okay tough guy.


I love how crazy you're going today.

Really? You seemed pretty angry at him in that thread you just dedicated to him then deleted.

I didn't delete any threads about him. I want to make one about you now though, like "which Xmen comic is Christopher_Barton reading today in order to escape from the horrors of his real life?"

You're more than welcome to, I never denied it, but the difference is it would be you spamming the sub with that shit, not me. Just like you do your faggy proud boy, MAGA and Public Health Watch bullshit, you unfunny fucking loser.

Hahaha you're so delusional about who I am it's great. Someone really mind-raped you.

Sam Hyde deserves to be unemployed.

Yeah, that’ll bring your dad home and give you a college degree.

Hahahahahaha pure projection.


Dude, I spent about three minutes typing emojis, are you stupid?

He just happened to change his mind about saying faggot at exactly the same time that it became socially unacceptable. Genuinely.

He's a boring old fuck.

That's probably what hurts him the most.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic but this is not wrong. He knows how easy it is to cook up outlandish insults but the plain truth (like when he admitted that "you're not funny" still gets him) is hard to shrug off. Burr said the same thing and Nia didn't contradict him so you know it's true.

No, I wasn't joking. The truth hurts.

Called bodega owners savages.

LOL okay tough guy.


I didn't delete any threads about him. I want to make one about you now though, like "which Xmen comic is Christopher_Barton reading today in order to escape from the horrors of his real life?"