How dare you bastards, if we smelled wouldn't we know? look at size of our noses,you know we lost 10 Gabillion of our people,i'm suing

1  2019-01-24 by Otto-Ernst-Remer


They were supposedly promised they could collect their luggage from the departing plane; however, according to WPLG, the flight departed with their possessions. “They have our car seat, stroller, everything,” Jennie told the station.

This made me laugh hard.

They are still falling for that eighty plus years later

Apparently didn't fall for the ol free shower trick though, sadly.

"Our team members took care of the family by providing overnight accommodations and meals and rebooking them for the next available flight.”

Real victims, these smelly pieces of trash. Anybody with a brain would be embarrassed, taken the charity, along with a shower, and never told anybody they were such filthy rotten animals that a airline kicked them off a flight. Instead, these tards scream victim from the digital hilltops.

Its all a part of the jew grab,it's out in public now they will get all kinds of free shit,lawyer that wants to make some kind of name will represent for free

Give em an inch and they'll be running Europe in no time

Some lawyer who wants to make (((Name)))

orthodox do smell bad. I worked around them years ago and hygiene is not a top priority for them.

Amish are awful also, you can smell them the aisle over in stores

I can understand stinking Amish though because they (AFAIK) live in the countryside and reject almost all technology

Ultra Orthodox Jews live in cities where they have running water and electricity. They just reject technology on saturdays, or am I wrong here?

Soap and water ain't technology.

a lot of them live in these boarding house situations and have no money. it's a weird subculture. I mainly talking about the hasids.

They have plenty of money from all the defrauding of taxpayers that they do

Orthodox and Hasidics most of them are on welfare they don't work or don't clean much because they are too busy praying,even the run of the mill jews hate them

Hating Hasidic Jews is like hating gypsies... it’s not racism. They choose to live a certain way and everyone recognizes it.

Israeli jews hate those lazy draft dodging fucks. Even on Reddit you can talk shit about Hasidics as long you’re not overly anti Semitic nobody is going to call you out on it.

I don't get it. Like, what in your religion says soaping and rinsing your ass crack and armpits is angering God? Can you imagine the plumes of visible bacteria wafting upwards as these two fucked to make that smelly little Jewlet?

god damn how bad do you think they smelled?

This religious zealots all fucking smell. What an absolutely filthy clan the Jews are

We don't have odor ok?

The old get the free room and meal bit.