Captain America is a virtue signaling faggot.

1  2019-01-24 by NoChokingChicken


That was pretty heroic to stand face to face with the 120 pound private school dweeb.

Wonder why he didn't delete the tweet after the truth came out. Its almost like they are trying to rewrite what happened. Nah that's too tin foil hat territory, must be an honest mistake.

The only part the papers are retracting is Tonto wasn't a Vietnam veteran

If he deleted the tweet you'd be screeching about him covering up, be honest.

How about cunts like this post a correction or retraction? Nope, just on to the next story to signal over

What would he correct or retract, exactly? The only fact he states is the guy is native american, the rest is purely subjective. Disengage from outrage industry, people have different opinions than you.

They are saying he has criminal record too, haven't read about it yet but has to be alcohol related

Shut up and make shitty movies, stupid.

Men are an endangered species

good, let them all go the way of the dodo. Women dont want guys like this. They say they do but its all just twisted mind games to filter them out from the real men.

Isn't that the guy beat all those retarded kids up with a baseball bat?

He's a wordy little cocksucker

He is, and he's constantly embarrassing himself. He has such a low command of vocabulary, yet is constantly trying to put out these profound and 'elegantly worded' Tweets. It's like Vos trying to do Shakespearre.

I thought they found out that that Indian guy was a fraud and draft dodger.

“Sadly on brand”. Faggot

How much you want to bet these Hollywood types are being instructed to speak out by the studio execs that put them in movies or lose status?

Directly or indirectly. These puppets know what to say if they want to get work.

"Go put out a tweet bitching about something right-wing or these pictures of you balls-deep in a dead toddler while you're wearing nothing but a hooded robe and goat blood get leaked to TMZ."

--Crhis Evans's agent.

I call bullshit on that. Thor and Hawkeye dont whine like this. And neither does RDJ. It's more likely they're like Cuck King Louis. They only decided to express their bullshit opinions once they knew they had the money coming in. If Evans didnt have an acting role for 3 years. He wouldn't be so quick to talk shit. If he didnt have a role for 6 years he would be on the Trump train

CAA same as Alyssa Milano

CAA > CIA - shinkle 'bout it...

If you want conservative shit follow chris pratt

It sick. It piss

I actually didn’t know about Jason Genova until I watched the Beige Frequency documentary this week. It was awesome

That reads like a Bulwer-Lytton Prize entry.

Good luck with the rest of your career post-MCU!

Hollywood needs to put its money where its mouth is. Conservatives all stopped buying Gillette razors. Now Hollywood need to stop buying Catholic schoolboys.

social media is a dumb contest to see who can be more outraged

Why do I want to pay money to watch this crybaby male feminist pretend to be a tough guy in movies, exactly?

That Indian dudes drumming sucked

He's a drunken faggot

What makes the Red Man red? Alcohol.

We all are.

Grown men who like superhero movies are really cool. Just kidding, they're faggots.

Well, if the guy who wears an American flag costume and punches blue sky demons says so, then that's how it be!

Nice miss read of the situation, stupid

Nice "misread," stupid.

You dont know Miss Read, Stupid?

What do you expect from someone that wears spandex all day long?

He's always speaking too soon this fucking guy.

When that kid was crying about bullies at school he was the first to tell the kid that he's coming to the premier of the next Avengers movie. Turns out the kid was a racist bully from a shit family and most locals hated them. Bet he didn't make it to the premier.

on brand

Shut the fuck up with this already. Does anyone have their own vocabulary anymore?

The only part the papers are retracting is Tonto wasn't a Vietnam veteran

If he deleted the tweet you'd be screeching about him covering up, be honest.

How about cunts like this post a correction or retraction? Nope, just on to the next story to signal over

They are saying he has criminal record too, haven't read about it yet but has to be alcohol related