For your Oscar consideration...

1  2019-01-24 by ProfessorChipperson


Looks like brother Joe just scaled Mount Negro.

Solid motion picture.

Ant is the one saying “I wish I could quit you...” as he looks at his dwindling funds. And his pills and booze.

Dagoo Gobbler

"This thang...takes hold of us during a 2U performance...and we're dead."

That Dane Landow quote is on point.

Hey Tyrone actually has a job... At a lucrative car dealership... What we aren't all racists

Remember when Nana still had her sad little Twitter account and doxxed the gay widow? One of Nana’s BIG REVEALS was that the dude related to Brokeback Mountain’s premise of a gay guy losing a lover.

Nana flailed against the gay widow but he laughed off being “doxxed” by a creepy pedophile and having his secret revealed: he was a gay man who enjoyed a gay film gasp.

The gay widow laughed it off. No one gives two shits if the impotent Cumia Bros have their info. Even the dwindling Cumia ball-washers rolled their eyes at Anth’s retardation at that one.

Nana’s account got bounced soon thereafter, and he turned to LARPing as a lonely and isolated elderly man with dementia. Even then, he failed.

The expressive guy from Joe's People's Court appearance would have put this over the edge.

Why, would Troy have pushed him?

Vurry good.

I can't spit you! My mommy said I'm not old enough to spit yet, mister."

I heard Logan Lynn scored the soundtrack too it’s beautiful

Joe couldn’t pull a guy that good looking.

At least he's done miscegenating.