Are we, as a society, absolutely positive Marilyn Manson isn’t a pedofile?

1  2019-01-24 by aids_mcgillicutty

I bring this here, because this group of individuals can profile a pedo more accurately than any cop, detective or psychologist.

1995’s album “Smells like Children” And the first track, “the hands of small children”

A few red flags that may have been overlooked


Faat Mansoooonnn!

This is a great post from 1997.

Cannibal Corpse had a song called Necropedophile, maybe they should be looked into

Whatever the bit might be here, it's shit.

Ok, sure

Is this Marilyn Manson posting to become relevant again?

No but we are sure he is a pedophile.

He's dated some great looking chicks: Rose McGowen, Dito von Teese, and Evan Rachel Wood.

He also had ribs removed and played Paul from the wonder years.

He also had ribs removed and played Paul from the wonder years.