Mission accomplished

1  2019-01-24 by iPadsFromPizzaFace


Nice work

Well who’s gonna kill their child this time?

If abortion counts I covered us 7 years ago...

I made my girl get one in November 👍🏼

It was a Christmas present to me on December 23rd over a decade ago

Is that a brown hand doing a thumbs up?

No, but the one in your ass is.

Yes, because brown people are known for not having kids

My wife’s pregnant, I’ll totally kick the shit out of her for the cause.

This is the type of self-sacrifice that drives this sub

Let's not forget to give the venue a 5-star revue

Didn’t this guy say he’s known joe for years and has booked him once already?

He is trying to throw us off the scent. I ain't falling for it.

*over 30 years

He's loiying.

What a sack of shit. Imagine putting your business and reputation on the line for Joe Cumia.

The serial child rapist, Joe Cumia?

Joe Cumia, 82nd Airborne 1st Peeler In Command

What about Almost Journey?

I didn't even have to pay you guys for all of this. I'm stealing all of this material and am going to be come the next Louis CK

What'd the owner mean by this??

And who is the owner and what does he owner?

When in doubt double down!

I sense another lawsuit, and another Joe Cumia Peoples court appearance.

God, I hope so.

No kids had to die this time around!


He will claim this sun bullied him again and called him agag, pediphle, terrosists,

Practice makes perfect!

Well that all depends on if Vizio has any sales in the near future.

we could use the material.

Oh so so so s-so so you’re saying racists can’t enter into contracts now?

Isn't that the bowling alley where they drug kids into having sex with the workers in the bathroom? I think Yelp mentioned it.

Yes. Ducks on the Ave, Comet Ping Pong Pizza and FH Reilly's all have that in common.

It's got a severe rodent problem

Not true. The post said Joe has never and will never play there.

If you go through Uber-Eats that place will send you chicken tenders and child-porn... Or so I hear

By willingly hiring and doing business with Joe Cumia, the owner is endorsing the racist comments/twitter messages made by Joe. Patrons of this bowl alley should be made aware of this fact. No one wants to fund racists. Frankly the bigotry that Joe spouts has no place in society, the exception being this subreddit where it should be actively encouraged.

bowl alley

I bet they pass around the peace pipe a lot in whatever establishment this might be. Nice typo, stupid.

Kinda bummed, I live right near this place and would've gladly filmed the embarrassment of the duckpin bowling show.

don't be fooled. Joe is still going to be there playing to no one. this is a lie.

Ah yes, another one of those "I respond to every single internet troll" people.


Be careful or Joe will dox you from your Gmail header like he did Steve Ramone. Scary stuff.

Who he thought was me for some reason. I said i LIKE the Ramones not that i am one

I will never understand how business owners leave money on the table like this.. They're pretending to have morals or something..

Wasn't there a People's Court case that involved something about Joe Cumia's pedophilia? No wonder this guy won't let them play. He's a fucking disturbed kid fucker. Like his worn leather sister, Nana.

You can photoshop images in imager, I mean eye reddit dot com.

Eh, I guess I missed something. Can someone fill me in?

this is a lie. he just wants us to stop posting

bowl alley

I bet they pass around the peace pipe a lot in whatever establishment this might be. Nice typo, stupid.

It was a Christmas present to me on December 23rd over a decade ago

Is that a brown hand doing a thumbs up?

No, but the one in your ass is.

Who he thought was me for some reason. I said i LIKE the Ramones not that i am one

This is the type of self-sacrifice that drives this sub

Yes, because brown people are known for not having kids