You’re g-g-g-g-gonna die you st-st-st-st-st-st-stupid fuckin whore.

1  2019-01-24 by jd-art


Nice neck/head/face/hair/breath/circus tent shirt, stupid

Poor stalker patty

The Hills Have A's.


(I think I posted that before but it didn't get any upvotes so I guess no one saw it or something)


I thought it was funny but I'm gonna downvote it strictly based on the faggy explanation that followed. Congratulations.

I get it.

im an easy target.

Your wife doesn't like you, your customers don't like you and you don't like you.

I enjoyed it.

maybe give it one more shot

Klingon forehead

Ferengi likability

Big A does not posses the lobes to be a Ferengi.

"There is no honor in (something Big A does a lot of)!"

I voted... to free that nurse who knocked up an unconscious woman.

They were in love!

He was testing her fertility, it was a medic procedure

Democracy was a mistake.

Giving everyone the right to vote was the mistake.

cant wait till we're governed by upvotes

Yes, it's good we are a Republic.

“Monarchy is the one system of government where power is exercised for the good of all.” Aristotle, 322-384 BC.

“Have a care over my people. You have my people - do you that which I ought to do. They are my people. Every man oppresseth and spoileth them without mercy. They cannot revenge their quarrel, nor help themselves. See unto them - see unto them, for they are my charge. I charge you, even as God hath charged me. I care not for myself; my life is not dear to me. My care is for my people. I pray God, whoever succeedeth me, be as careful of them as I am." Queen Elizabeth I, addressing her judges, 1559.

“Monarchy can easily be debunked, but watch the faces, mark well the debunkers. These are the men whose taproot in Eden has been cut: whom no rumour of the polyphony, the dance, can reach - men to whom pebbles laid in a row are more beautiful than an arch. Yet even if they desire mere equality they cannot reach it. Where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes or film stars instead: even famous prostitutes or gangsters. For spiritual nature, like bodily nature, will be served; deny it food and it will gobble poison.” C S Lewis

a dog throwing up blood hair and offal onto a picture of a borstal.

Amy looks great here .

She's positively glowing!

V for vein detour.

Lena Dunham is looking a lot more feminine and attractive than normal in this picture. Did she get plastic surgery?

He thinks rape is considered hugging. His masters were cruel

He looks like someone who enjoys The Anthony Cumia show

"the only one"

Seriously, wtf is this sub

Not for you. Get the fuck out.

That's right.

It was an ice cream shop and he was voting on his favorite flavor!

Next season on Mindhunters

Big A voted to legalize recreational rape

Did Big A vote for Trump despite his staunch anti-ogre platform?

Retards shouldn't be allowed to vote

Has definitely raped/murdered. What a horrifying beast of a mean. In the 1800s, we would have burned him alive in town square like any other monster. Frankenstein style.

You can tell he voted. He carved the check mark in his forehead.

They wouldn't cast him as a child molester because his look was just too on the nose.

The face of evil...fat evil...

He looks like Waylon Mercy with fetal alcohol syndrome.

He looks like a boss in a streets of rage rip-off.

How has a horror director not scooped this guy up yet?

That's right.