Thinking back, I feel genuine embarrassment that I used to think shit like “peckahs” was funny.

1  2019-01-24 by jd-art

That whole shtick really. It’s just cringe garbage tier humor and I don’t know why I ever enjoyed it.


It’s a tough one man

I always thought he was a hack. No revisionist history either. I thought Ant was the funniest person in radio not named Howard Stern. And I thought Opie sucked balls, but his autism made for some funny moments. But if you listened to Artie Lange before he went off, and then switched to Jimmy, you would see how much Jim sucked. Artie is repetitive, and has shitty stand up like Jim. But Artie had a lot of range in terms of the things he was knowledgeable about. Music, movies, acting experiences, actual addictions, etc. Jim couldn't relate to anyone unless they liked Black Sabbath and trannies. This guy has seen maybe 6 movies his whole life, never been in a real relationship, no hobbies, etc. He was just a wormy faggot. Can you imagine the show with Burr, Patrice, Vos, etc as the 3rd mic? They literally picked the worst of the cellar crowd.

Jim is like the kid that's funny when you're in high school and it's hilarious to say fucked up shit. But it takes more than that to be a real comedian imo.

Agreed. Im not saying he didn't have his moments. But his material was based off diseases, trannies, and tough guy talk. Hearing him ask questions during interviews was infuriating. Jim had no range at all. Just a one-note worm.

When he got onto a rant he'd just derail the whole show. Everyone was pissing themselves laughing but I just never got it. He had like 5 funny lines in his whole time on the show.

Listening to old shows, especially early 2000s, and hearing Jim's tough guy rants is so fucking cringey knowing what we know now about Jim. That hes a wormy twerp who is not a threat to anyone. And he is attracted to men in costume

He was always a sit down when he pisses faggot.

All of those stories Jim tells about trying to be funny in high school (shuuuut uuuup) and just ends up feeling ashamed and embarrassed is the real Jirn Norbin. Although that clip of all of the pranks he did was pretty funny, if true.

same way i felt 100 %

And now shits been pounded into the ground, who knew this Character had a shelf life...Jimmy is running out of steam with the Chippah I guess there's only so many Wigs and Glasses to put on

Nice guess, stupid

Wait, you mean to tell me that one act comics don't tend to have longevity in the "craft"

Chip is funny to me still but it was never just the word 'peckahs' that made me laugh. It's how he plays off of other people and how he deliberately tries to make people uncomfotable and befuddled, or even just disgusted with him. I have enjoyed a lot of the recent Chip Podacast episodes with Kerryn Feehan because she reacts viscerally to him still. Someone like Christina who is used to him and jaded is much less funny. I wish Lauren would come back, she was great.


Edgar was the only funny character

That was why it was funny. It was cringe. The whole character was a mockery of unfunny tryhards. But with the chip podcast it mutated into the thing it was mocking.



Never thought his chip character was funny. Youtuber type garbage.

Gonna throw in some honesty. Chip had devolved. He used to be funny. I enjoyed the character over the years. But like everything else it just grew old and tired. Listen to “vintage chip” compared to the fucking disaster shitshow he has now with that awful podcast. Not even the same character anymore.

Also, he had better characters that were actually fantastic. Regular Joe and Valley Jim were fucking great. I don’t mind admitting that.

I never liked Jim’s personality. The creep degenerate whore fucking schtick. The ANGRY GUY schtick was so gay and faggoty. Takes a 5 dollar an hour shrink to figure out it’s just the insecurities of a fucking twink worm trying to mask it with fake anger. Fuck James Norton. He really is a pathetic piece of shit autograph chasing stalker creep fanboy.

But yeah, he did have a thing going with some of his characters, but there’s a reason why he has been doing radio for two decades and comedy for almost three decades and NO ONE knows who he is outside of this sub.