Anthony's hackling at the Vos Roast - why leave it in the edit?

1  2019-01-24 by boringoneliner

It wasn't fun, wasn't funny, just an old man embarrassing himself. Why did Vos leave it in? Just as a Fuck you to Cumia?


You answered your own question

The Gilbert Godfrey line was good but otherwise you’re right. I suppose it belongs there since Anthony was such a big part of Vos’s career and most of the other people there as well. From a documentary point of view I think it’s an indictment on all of them. Who knows if that’s what Bonnie was going for or not. Maybe they just figured that most of the people watching would be O&A fans and they’d appreciate it.

So you mean because Bonnie is a spiteful cunt? Valid point.

I think so. Sort of a “these losers are so worthless that you only know about them because of this alcoholic old bum”

Either that or they just thought it was funny.

Because Vos had some good lines in response.

Because Vos is stuck in a predicament: 1) keep in O and A stuff, including all the inside jokes and know you can definitely turn some quick sales through the O and A cult and this sub; or 2) take that stuff out and risk losing the fast cash but make the roast more marketable mainstream, thus sellable to places like Netflix and Amazon and more profitable long-term.

Guess which option Rich chose?

oh oh dont spoil it, i nearly got it

It’s funny that you think rich had anything to do with any of that.


The whole “threatening to rape a prepubescent girl” schtick only works if everyone in the crowd listened to O&A, is familiar with Anthony, and gets that style of humor.

I can confidently say that absolutely no one in that crowd knew who the fuck Anthony was, not even the people seated at the same table.

Imagine you’re minding your own business and suddenly this sickeningly ugly old man who looks to be about 75 (but somehow, incredibly, is only 50) with a face covered in craters and pock marks just suddenly starts shrieking “I’M GOING TO FUCK YOUR TEN YEAR OLD DAUGHTER

Talk about jolting.

What? I bet at least half the people there knew him. Who else would pay money to go see that lineup on a Monday night?

It's heckling you idiot.

i used hackling because it was hacky shit from anthony. im smart like that.