Anthony's guests as of late...

1  2019-01-24 by jd-art


I’d resub to Anthony talk to a more wetbrained, future version of himself.

Maybe he will even kiss him himself

Even a simple segment of like they used to do all the time. Why not roast O&A from ten years ago (obviously he'd have to cherry pick the very worse episodes to not be completely embarrassed by proof he used to be funny).

As ashamed as I am to admit to listening to the show, last year when I had a long commute I put up with since I had to listen to something on my way work. And even the extremely lame segments where they send Rob or Shitloaf down to ask for preparation H or niche sexual products and shit are pretty funny sometimes. J&S literally hate entertainment, or entertaining us at least.

pretty funny sometimes

Say "Cocksucker red lipstick" a few more times, Sam. It gets funnier each time.

no it actually doesn’t and gets rather annoying instead

tony two shirts with charlie six jackets.

Motherfucker I would love a homeless charlie reunion

2020 is the year of the Anthony cumia + bumfights revival collaboration

Got a niggas ribs hurtin frfr

I thought it was awful. There's not even a single bumfight!

Original, unique, funny content. Well done OP.

Very good, this is giving me a nice long chuckle

got a niggas ribs hurtin


Start doxxing them again then

Aqualung is a great song

leave poor r/tacn alone.

Holy shit, are those real shows or is it a joke subreddit? The promo pic for Morning looks like a parody of Jocktober hackery

She's poisoning his coffee!!! DAT'S ATTEMPTED MURDA ASUMPTIN!!!

That's the bit

The guests going through there are fucking awful. Morton can't be bothered to show up more than a few times a year. The Cellar Crowd have their own shows, or have nothing to to with Ant anymore.

The Manhattan studio is a flop. With all the bitching he does about his commute, Ant may as well go back to his basement studio or retire. A bunch of nobodies and degenerates doing shows there that no-one watches. The network is mismanaged by an incompetent leech ex-cop and Ant really gives no fucks, just wanting to play video games with Missy Muscles.

for all I know he's been making great content for months. if it was a totally free podcast available through Westwood One for example, maybe the extra exposure would gain him more fans.

The last show with Jim Norton was surreal. Jim described how he's spending large sums of money for "shockwave therapy." This is a process where an esthetician sticks a bunch of needles into his dick.

He went on to talk about how depressed he was, and how he didn't feel like life was work living if his dick didn't function.

Then he mentioned that guys like Matt Sera were starting to worry about his mental state.

Naturally, he checked his Tinder profile a dozen times and kept complaining that no one liked him.

One of my pet theories is that Jim Norton has been blacklisted by NY prostitutes. He seemed to confirm this; he talked about how he was excited to use the time off to see some whores... in California.

One of my pet theories is that Jim Norton has been blacklisted by NY prostitutes. He seemed to confirm this; he talked about how he was excited to use the time off to see some whores... in California.

This makes a lot of sense. Most of the mid-to-high end level escorts use a customer identification and verification services like P411 and rely on referrals from other escorts if you've never seen them before. If Jim had a few bad experiences with New York escorts, I can see it very easy for word to travel fast, since they're all in the same "circle" so to speak.


On the show, Jim talked about how he recently had dinner with some porn stars. I'll bet he's doing stunts like this because he can't meet prostitutes through the normal channels anymore. So he'll invite porn stars out, hoping they'll make a deal with him.

Getting friendzoned by a prostitute is a new low, but that's Norton's style.

He also mentioned that he wants to visit his ex, who moved to LA. Can you imagine how awkward it must be, when your ex girlfriend got married, had kids, AND MOVED TO CALIFORNIA, and he's still clinging on.


That sounds like a horrible existence.

Haha that's for erectile dysfunction isn't it? He probably needs that to fuck a woman without a penis. I'm sure he has no problem getting it up for a beautiful "woman" with a rock hard cock with rock hard titties

Yep. So cringey.

Why can't he just take viagra like a normal fucking person? It even went generic and is cheaper now.

Why can't he just take viagra like a normal fucking person? It even went generic and is cheaper now.

He's utterly clueless about what women want.

If I were Jim, I'd play up these things:

  • Being on TV

  • Being on the radio

  • Being a millionaire

But Jim is a fucking idiot, so he talks about:

  • Dieting

  • Being a freak

  • His genitalia

It's total projection. If you're a chick, obsessing about your diet is a great strategy, there are tons of men that want to date a girl who's conscious about her weight. But for a man?! It's just completely fucking weird.

He's pretty dime a dozen in New York money wise. I think his problem is he can't be a human being for five seconds. He does everything with the idea that he will be rewarded with sex and I think he's bad at hiding that fact..

Paint my fence!

Make me!

I believe it was a chicken coup that he wanted painted

Either way those blintzes were terrible.

Not a chicken sedan?

How the hell in 2 years did the comedian guests go from:

Mike Ward

Paul Mercurio

Esthur Ku

Dan Soder

Nick DiPaolo

with special guests like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye to:

Matt Holt

Jimmy Shubert

Steve Grillo

Kyle Crawford

Tom McCaffrey

While jacking up the subscription rates?

I think many good names are skeptical, figure appearing will hurt more than help.

I can't stop laughing at this

Oh shit, this nigga got Gandalf?

The Destroyer is gonna be pissed when he finds out Nana stole another guest from him.

"Just wait until we get the studio in the city!"

If Homeless Guy does well enough on the show aka laugh at Anthony's hack material and be a yes man, he might eventually become Anthony's sixth cohost.

Anthony has a show?

Even the homeless want nothing to do with him.

"So what's it like to sleep on the streets. " "Now you want to ask me a question? You were so intimidated by my rough appearance that it took you 15 minutes to ask such a stupid question. " " Well, yes but... " " I want my blowjob and then I'll leave. " "Yes, sir."

Then Anthony proceeded to crawl under the table to give a homeless man his payment. A sloppy blowjob. After the deed was done, Ant called it a day and went straight home to wash down the semen with the good old Bud Light.

She's poisoning his coffee!!! DAT'S ATTEMPTED MURDA ASUMPTIN!!!

That's the bit