This might be his shittiest. It looks like a bad SNL short.

1  2019-01-24 by RBuddCumia


Yuk. What a Fag.

Nice face, ugly

Am uglier, more degenerate ESD.

Sick fuck likes to be spit on like Joe.

This faggot has zero musical talent. He wrote a first draft diary entry and then sang it over instrumental sounds.

It is stunning how awful he is.

Nice jump-cut editing every millisecond stupid. even if I liked this faggy shit, the video itself is nauseating to watch.

People who sing and have aspirations of becoming famous but who end up singing in some jazz bar the rest of their lives and giving piano lessons should off themselves

Wtf is wrong with people that just wont realize their dream to be a singer or actor will never come true?

People who sing and have aspirations of becoming famous but who end up singing in some jazz bar the rest of their lives and giving piano lessons should off themselves.

Besides being an actor, it's the only other profession that attracts the most self obsessed delusional narcissistic cunts who only aspire to be famous than produce good art. If you ever met an aspiring actor or singer in LA they are exactly like the faggot attention seeking 'theater kids' from highschool.

nothings ever NOT wrong with this video, amirite guys?


I thought he was a comedian trying to be funny. wow he stinks

Nice video shot with an iPhone, stupid.