Did that comedian Kevin Barnett kill himself?

1  2019-01-24 by peopleforgetthat


I don’t know

The black one? My money is on AIDS, diabetes or black on black crime.

You're some gambler.

sickle cell

Wow, this place is so sensitive with the race jokes lately.

Yeah it was a real gem of a joke

probably an od.

Logan Lynn gave poor Kevin "The Gift" several years back, and father time finally came a'knockin.

Holy fuck! Is this confirmed?

Logan bragged about "pozzing" him.

Oh my god! And what does pozzing mean? Almost dont want to know. Actually I'm pretty sure I dont but you whatever.

Is that when the gays do it on purpose? Please I hope not. Maybe the church people are right.

When someone intentional gives someone else AIDS (aka a positive test aka pozzing).

I think if it was suicide there would be a strong anti-suicide vibe connected to the already narcissistic pictures, screenshots and comments.

Drugs is the only thing people still seem to leave out when writing this kind of shit.

Who else would have killed him? He was a national treasure.

Yeah I never heard of him. Haven't google him at all but as I scrolled thru social media it's hard not to see everyone posting unflattering pictures and screenshots that lead to nothing.

He may be the least notable person ever to enjoy national mourning this way.

He isnt enjoying shit

dead lil' mug

Apparently he had recently uncovered evidence that would lead to Hillary Clinton's arrest. RIP. :(

I read he was in Mexico when it happened. Probably the cartels

God damn Cherry Coke

One can only hope.

More likely a bad dose. People don't go to mexico to commit suicide, they go to experiment with drugs and heavy drinking.

Unfortunately Blacks don't kill themselves as much as other races.

Non Traumatic Hemorrhage, caused by pancreatitis

He went donkey fuckin .

Guys... It was pancreatitis