Did she exchange some stories about Anthony Cumia for this hot tip?

1  2019-01-23 by OpieEatsBoogers


Slander you ask me!

And she would have been one of those boys sucking off the famous man.

Yes because 2nd-hand information is always true, and therefore should be fine to post on social media as FACT, dumb bitch.

If you have any doubt that Bryan Singer is a pedophile then I’m deeply sorry for all the “misunderstandings” you must have had with older men in your childhood.

That’s not my point, but I’m glad you imagined me getting fucked by older men.

You're right. All 1,000 of the same pedophile allegations made by others must also be fabricated.

That’s not my point. People think Twitter is ‘the news’. It’s not, it’s fucking moronic.



It's always good to admit you had prior knowledge of a paedophile ring and said nothing.

Like, now that Singer is in the news she can, like, get more attention and relevance and stuff. Duh.

she fucked Anthony Cumia.

And James Gunn. I see a pattern. Maybe she is losing her tweenish looks. Weird bitch.

So why didn't you report it to the police you fucking cunt? I hope people that know shit like this and do nothing start getting fucked over as accessories.

How else will you get that seeet, sweet social currency known as Likes.

It's OK to fuck teen boys if they're 18 or 19.

It's legally OK to fuck 16/17 year boys if AoC of the state allows it.

Anthony of Cumia?

Nah but would you rather bang a newly-minted 18 year old or some flabby 32-year-old with a dadbod if you're making hundreds of millions a year as Singer?

Oh absolutely

Weird that she keeps having relations with all these pedos yet never does anything about it.

Oh absolutely