Comedy critic Joe Cum ways in.

1  2019-01-23 by RBuddCumia


The first line is just a shameless brag

And, like everything else in his life, he has his little brother to thank for it.

You mean Opie.

"My brother was friends with Colin Quinn, and I'd show up when he was hanging out with Colin."

"Colin Quinn tolerated me with great interest!"

and I'd show up uninvited when he was hanging out with Colin.

Nice way, stupid.

Goddamn it. I can’t do anything right. 😔

You hate Joe Cumia just fine. Just fine.

I admire Colin's grace to carry on a conversation with someone as stupid as Joseph Cumia.

He’s hosted an entire show with Bobo, a conversation with Joe is probably only a little more retarded than that.

Bobo looks up to Colin and isn't entirely guided by confident cluelessness, which I think is entirely different. Joe probably sees himself as equals with Colin mentally, which for Colin must be dreadful.

True. What are the chances Joe has pulled out his phone to show Colin some of his best tweets?

That's definitely happened, with Joe having to put on his old man glasses to stab at his bright phone with his sausage fingers while Colin finds an out.

The difference being instead of playing the up/down game using mere words bouncing between the Mets and a dripping wet cunt and a fat pair of titties...with dolt headed Joe you need a frying pan to wave back and forth like Indian snake charmers. He’s already got the stupid gaping maw and the bovine stare. He really should be killed with one of his own weapons (that Ant purchased, of course.)

Colin was obviously humoring the same way he humored Lady Di.

Colin has a genuine liking for the freaks. Joe is just a dumb hateful faggot.

It's probably not much harder than carrying on a conversation with Jim Norton.

It's easy to have a conversation with a guy that will mirror your personality back at you in real time

Also hard to have a conversation with a guy whose nose is buried in grindr while he insists he’s "listening."

Joe Cumia? Right?!

What degenerate timeline we live in?

Well great, now I hate Colin because this retard praised him.

Thou shall never get that far

george carlin sucks, even in his time period

Old Carlin, while influential doesn’t hold up at all. However, angry old nihilistic Carlin was the shit, retard.

go back and watch it, you would be surprised how dumb he sounds. to me it always struck me as him outlining shit everyone already knows. he was also crying about "MUH RICH WHITE MEN". if he had any balls he would say jewish.

Comedy is outlining shit everyone already knows, stupid. What makes it funny is how you articulate it.

that is not comedy, that can be comedy, and that is not the style of comedy he was going for. a lot of people share the same criticism i hold. after awhile he stopped even trying to be funny, just kind of talked. old gay commie faggot

Yes there are a lot of MDE racist bitches who were passed up by EVERY girl they ever liked and bullied by the kids bigger than them and their failed genetics who turn into Ant when they grow up.

must have struck a nerve. you shouldn't worship a celebrity so much



I wouldn’t go that far, but he was a bit overrated. Hell, stand-up comedy in general is overrated.

CQ hates people like Joe, and that makes me smile

In every publicity photo, Colin has that same stupid “whaddaya want from me, huh?” pose going.

What the hell, folks?

You beat up his cousin you, Joe. I doubt he respects you.

The cardigan, oof. I like Colin, but what is he doing?

Staying warm?

shakes head sagely

If you go back and listen to that Colin appearance where Anthony didn't go to Colin's show because he had to throw a poker game at his house, you get a clear idea of how Colin feels about "Brother Joe".

Also hard to have a conversation with a guy whose nose is buried in grindr while he insists he’s "listening."