Beefers - but you won’t be so lucky to see them

1  2019-01-23 by dhort13


I was dumb enough to subscribe in the beginning, and remember this episode as being the point when I said "this man has NO idea what to do with a show of his own".

Poor Colin.

The show peaked when Colin spilled his drink, which was like episode 2 or 3.

If she had beefers they would cushion the blows and protect her ribs

You would know about blows to the abdomen, specifically the bellybutton, it would seem.

You have a a single beefier jutting out of your naval, stupid. You’re like the three tittied gookazoid from Total Recall except far less fuckable with your “love handles” rolling out over your waist line.

That was such a vapid, cunty thing to say in that bizarre broadcast of domestic violence.

Yeah and nobody even wanted to see em. Nothing worse than a 5-6/10 bitch with an inflated ego.

Bit generous with your rating if you ask me.

I always am because 1-3 you have to save for morbidly obese, the retarded, disfigures, etc etc. 4 is regular ugly. 5-6 is average bitch. 7 is acceptable, cute gf material etc etc

hey! some retarded bitched have wicked cans........

More like Vealers.

She looks like she's homeschooled, unvaccinated and smells like soup.

Maybe if she had showed them, Anthony would have been kept in jail longer.

Do you think Colin’s a little uncomfortable that his friend Vinnie Brands daughter is sitting on his lap?

Probably just with a female in general

Think about Anthony’s decision to get involved with this woman? It’s crazy. All his comedians friends know her father. Of course this was going to end badly

Vinnie doesn’t seem to care. He still pals around with Jim Norton, Anthony’s boyfriend and staunchest defender.

Maybe Vinnie plain dislikes his daughter, but still, show some loyalty to your own flesh and blood. Don’t go on the radio show hosted by a guy who apologizes endlessly for the guy who beat the shit out of your child.

I always am because 1-3 you have to save for morbidly obese, the retarded, disfigures, etc etc. 4 is regular ugly. 5-6 is average bitch. 7 is acceptable, cute gf material etc etc