This reminded me of someone

1  2019-01-23 by imnotreallylikethis


The only black woman who was ever willing to tolerate Sam’s disgusting manchild presence was a whore trying to advance her career.

All of Sam's (alleged) girlfriends before Jess were black. Coincidence?

Popeyes was considered fine dining to them

Sam never dated a girl in his life. He .arried the first idiot who gave him the time of day.

Pat Duffy related a story where she visited the studio once and saw Sam using his position to berate and humiliate him while Pat was working on something. He said something to the effect of "I don't think she knew he was like that" and that she apologized to him later for it. Whether the low simmer of daily psychic suffering or a potential blow out, she's going to pay one way or another for 'not noticing' this uniquely and truly bad person.

It's not like the little shit worked in a seafood department and found a fish with another head growing inside it...

Black women will say something without understanding the meaning or context.

Social media turned out to be a great idea.

I always thought people who said they were picky eaters just didn't like spinach, or certain types of fish or whatever. I literally couldn't fathom an adult like Sam who was disgusted by a fucking gourmet steak. Let alone subsisting entirely on tendies and not even being prepared to eat a fucking cheeseburger at a restaurant. Ordering a cheeseburger at a real restaurant would be embarrassing in the first place.

Sam can’t even fall back on the kid’s menu.

Sam deserves to be drawn and quartered like the steroid chickens he eats,

I wouldn't want to try her soul food either. Bitch looks nasty.

Sambos daddy is as faggy as child molester Logan Who Da Fuck