Listening to an old clip

1  2019-01-23 by 2hawt2sexxxi

Anthony refused to park his car in the parking garage if he was tired or it was raining. He would pull up in front of the building and call Steve C and have him park it for him. WHILE Master Po would follow to drive him back. This asshole would interrupt 2 people to stop what they're doing, like show prep for his show, to park his car because he didn't want to "sit there wet and cold like a little puppy"

Now he sits in his McMansion alone as his brain rots.

Karma is working itself out. God bless Steve C.


RIP Steve C

YESSSSSS I’m at the right hand of God.

The pendulum is swingin' back the other way

Have some respect. Anthony is currently in hospice for, well, the official diagnosis is "pneumonia."

Classic alt right faggot move..... Now downvote faggots