At 7:00 This morning some POS at my office said they packed a lunch today and they were adulting.


I promptly went out to my car put some bourbon in my coffee to deal with this kid. He also has pegged pants.


Every once in a while I say to myself that I should be a kinder person, but then there's fucking faggots like this in my life who make just feel pure, raw hatred and any plans I have to be nice are thrown out the window.

You sound like a real wildcard, ever do any feet stuff?

Answer his fucking question.

The other day a grown man in front of me in line asked the cashier if they accepted magic as a payment. She said no, but he complained that it worked just like a credit card, so she went along with it. He then pushed some buttons on his apple watch and demanded the cashier to compliment it.

My wife actually squeezed my arm to remind me not to tell the faggot to hurry the fuck up.

Smart. Let the bull deal with rough situations.

Exactly, leave the dirty work for the nigger.

Are you named after the fag blogger from sweden?

Don't follow any blogs.

I named this to be a super fag when there was a private jocktober sub

Okay, I see. There is a guy here in sweden with that same name and my Mother warned me about him

Anyone who uses that word should get an instant punch in the face.

no, we agreed they're to be drowned. get your harsh punishments for mild annoyances right

Ugh so I gotta do adulting and drown people now?

Jokes on him, at Panera it’s free bottomless soup for employees who have worked there 5 years or more

Use vodka or Irish cream you amateur. Bourbon always, eventually, gets you caught.

It actually was vodka but I thought I would get called Logan or something for drinking that sissy drink. Good Call...

never lie to us again. you see what happens.

Vodka is not a sissy drink. Eastern Europeans are the least gay people in the world and they drink it.

A man's man drinks a man's man liquor. And a man's man's liquor is Gin. Leave the bourbon for the hillbillies and college girls with daddy problems.

As much as I enjoy gin, its a drink for hipsters and hoodrats. Anyway Skylar, The answer you were looking for is Scotch

As much as I enjoy gin, its a drink for hipsters and hoodrats.

Only because people like you let them take it over. Scotch is for Gen X wanna be hipsters.

You're a phony! A big fat phoney!

Hey everybody, this guys a phoney!

One of my fondest memories from high school: This burnout I hung out with decided he was going to fill a Sprite bottle full of vodka and get drunk during school. Around 2pm or so I was walking to gym class (which I passed) and there's ol' dude, drunk as shit, getting dragged down the hall from the admin office by his dad, who proceeds to whoop the shit out of him. I'm talking throwing uppercuts and shit. He beat the brakes off that kid, and for good reason

"I drink cause dad beats me"

but dad beats me because I drink....... its a vicious cycle

It was wild and well-deserved

and also never happened.

It happened in the imagination of every person who read that nice story.

Crazy incidents happen all the time at high schools across this great country. My story was 100% fabricated though. Good eye pal

oh you little rascal

Good eye? 90% of reddit is people making shit up.


anyone who says he is in the "office" at 7am , works in a callcenter.

Haha thought the same thing when he mentioned going to his car for booze. Typical call-center behavior

Doesn't even have his own desk he can store booze in

Gets searched at the entrance so he can't use a flask like every one else.

Thank you for the recognition my friend.

I hope you ran him over with the forklift.

I brought a pbj as my lunch for everyday in grade school, high school, and university. Wouldn't "adulting" be going out to fancy lunch?

I don’t mind ‘adulting’ so much. It’s merely annoying.

But when people say "pup" or "pupper" I’m not embarrassed to say it makes me want to weep with anger.

I had to google both "adulting" and "pegged pants"


youre ALL queers for not also having to do so.

pegged pants, I can see why you'd have to google that

how did you not catch on to what that faggot meant by "adulting".

cause I dont keep up with horrid queer terms, took me like 2 years to finally learn what "fleek" meant.

but some millenial faggot doing something an adult would do, and then saying "i'm adulting", isn't it self-explanatory?

ah who cares

nope, because giving something you "just do" a millennial term is just fucking retarded. I dont waste my time with that garbage. The OP should have literally gay raped him on the spot and poured his bourbon in his eyes...... to establish dominance.

Weird flex, but okay

You should die too, faggot.

nice language comprehension, stupid



this one made me laugh

Because he's lying to try and sound cool

What are pegged pants?

Nsfw - can’t look I’m at work.

save it for some lonely hours

It was popular in the late eighties. Fold your pant leg in half vertically, or as tight to your ankle as possible, and then roll the cuff up.

Chances are if he pegged his pants, he also likes to be pegged in the ass.

Not that there's ANYTHING wrong with it.

Accidently throw the lunch away.

I work with a broad that has an "awesome sauce" mug. One of these days I'm going to lose my self control and beat her to death with it.

Split jury and mistrial most likely.

"No coffee no workee"

Cool beans broseph

Quit calling a call center and "office", shithead.

We had a pos say adulting once at my job. He had a faggy voice, called roadside assistance to change his flat tire and sat there 4 hours waiting.

I was enraged one of you trucker faggots driving and posting beefer pics at the same time didnt run over him while distracted.

Hopefully you did the right thing and massacred everyone in the office with an AK.

I tossed the kids lunch in the trash made my day.

The only thing I hate more than ninjas is old folks, please don't be old op

7am start you're really going for it

The earlier I get to work the earlier I get to drink.

I'll give you a blowjob if you punch that kid.

Only faggots works in offices

Bourbon? I still don't get bourbon

It happened in the imagination of every person who read that nice story.

Crazy incidents happen all the time at high schools across this great country. My story was 100% fabricated though. Good eye pal