I will also be doing a shitload of live shows and signings in various cities. I’m really psyched to get the book out and travel around promoting it.

1  2019-01-23 by dhort13


Four fucking sharpies.

One for each book he signed!

This is the equivalent of Uncle Phil tossing Jazz out of the house.

I wanna FIGURE OUT how to use a mailbox.

Are ya?

Nice security detail, stupid

Those are stripogram "bodyguards."

Everyone back to the Compound! Jacuzzi party!!

Nice backpack, stupid pedophile.

Did he have any more signings than that one failure?

Lol no.

Maybe he posted them on his twitter and you missed it, somehow.

I want to take a sandblaster to his face whenever I see that fucking “everything is going great!" smirk.

I know you’re miserable inside, faggot.

Actually needing a presidential detail sized security escort to protect you from a girl with a homemade sign.

Aunts book signing makes intern Robs pool party look well attended.

He REALLY thought that misspelled, third grade reading level drivel was going to be a hit. The Cumias have to be some of the least self-aware people ever to plague the Earth.