Like most fudge packers, Logan Lynn is a proud Satanist. #PIZZAGATE

1  2019-01-23 by jd-art


Spirit cooking faggot.

"I just want peace, love, understanding, everybody getting together... and fuck Christians."

Imagine being almost 40 years old and still rebelling against your father. I rebelled against my religious parents but I was 16 and grew out of it. This faggot thinks he is a deep tortured soul when his poor father has to deal with raising a faggot for a son.

Sold his soul to the Father of All Lies for only 3K followers. What a desperate embarrassment.

Is he purposely keeping himself at 666 people that he’s following because he’s thinking it’s edgy? What a Fag

Have you heard his music?? Nothing edgy about it. Gay yes but not edgy.

The reason the rainbow is the symbol for homosexuals is to mock God's command of "Be fruitful and multiply" after the flood in Genesis. Sodomy is classified as a "sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance" by the Church and Dante places its practitioners in the 7th Circle of Hell in his Inferno for making sterile what should be fertile. Of course, the people engaged in that lifestyle take part in "Pride" parades in an attempt to overcompensate, just as Lucifer fell from Heaven due to his pride. In short, the act itself is satanic whether people realize it or not. People like girl name here just openly embrace it.