Nice zero chemistry and fake high energy, you unbearable cunts.

1  2019-01-23 by McGowan9


That’s not fake. Look at Jim’s thumb up. That is genuine approval of excitement.

He would truly tell you if he was faking it.


Do you think he’s excited?

Spot on


Imagine doing a job for like 20 years but still being so shit at it that you get made second mic to a rat faced faggot that started as an intern.

Nice forced smile, stupid.

He’s third mic on a two mic show. Can they at least get Mike Cannon in more often - he’s so much easier to listen to than Jim.

Third mic on a two mic show and he still can’t be bothered to put in enough effort to prove his worth.

O&A subreddit doesn't mercicessly attack Jim and Sam for the first day in months, and "coincidentally" they're all smiles.

And they say this sub has no effect on their lives.

On the contrary, the homoerotic tension is palpable

Gays probably dress better than these two duds

Jim & Sam are more degenerate than the combined shitdicks of every cornholer in the tri-state area.

Imagine having to sit across and look at that subhuman piece of shit for 4 hours at a time.

Looking at Sam must be awful too.

Strange head sharp

Do they still use that gay intro song with 100 sound effects after it?

Fuck knows, I don't listen

Who does at this point?

The band that wrote that intro is the gayest bunch of faggots I've ever seen. Made total sense that they'd write it.

This looks like a promo photo they would have trashed during Jocktober. AIDS Jimmy would murder fat Jimmy.

Fat Jimmy would murder AIDS Jimmy.

Fat worm was just as conveniently manufactured for his time period as AIDS worm.

It looksike Sam is wearing the same sweatshirt from yesterday. He just photoshopped Cats out of the pic.


Sad thing is there’s still people here that listen to this. Way too much is known about the show for it not to be true. There’s no overlap of content between this and O&A. It’s the worst radio I’ve ever heard

I thought that Jim always had his chair raised up high because he's an insecure short faggot but now it looks like the table is right above Sam's knees. Management gave them a kiddie table to set all the equipment on.

I always find it funny that a multinational corporation ends up building studios that would look at home in small-market shithole stations.

Never should of given the side show a morning gig. Worms and weasels dont mix well.

Jesus big a looks better than Sam does wtf is growing on his face.

it speaks volumes that we could all listen for free and I doubt anyone here does.

I couldn't even make it through more than a few minutes when they had Colin on recently. I've sat through financial regulation conferences that are more entertaining and compelling than their godawful attempt at a show.

I've sat through financial regulation conferences

Shut your pie hole you humble bragging old turkey leg.

That's such a poor person thing to say.

Give him a break he gave all his trendies allowance to the chipson cartoon

i didn't even bother to bring it up. no guest can redeem these two

I tell you what, I've had just about enough of that Basel III nonsense for another accounting year.

Colin is worth the effort tbh.

Jim looks like he should be selling high quality plastics outside a factory in Guangzhou

Does Jim know how to do anything unironically anymore? Jim & Sam's entire chemistry is based around cutesy irony. But that's all they do, besides uninformed takes on everything. At some point it stops being ironic and it just becomes who you actually are.

I blame worm mostly. He really can't help himself from stealing his friends' personas. First he stole Colin Quinn's life and now he's basically Sam Jr. He has no real personality of his own.

He looked up from his phone?

I don't think he likes doing the show.


No one's commented on the child slave in the background, being forced to touch himself for their amusement?

Sam's beard is smiling but his teeth are confused

Is jim wearing girl shoes to help with his posture

Jim smiles like an android trying to replicate Joy

Geeky ass faggots

Two “guys”

They say that when you do what you love, you never work a day in your life! LOL!

Oh, and they also say that when you fake laugh and pretend to have fun you get to keep your job that pays the mortgage even though it is a clear signal of your declining career, evaporating hopes at real fame or success, and your free fall from doing good, funny work on s popular radio show to cruising through a few hours of phone surfing five days a week.

They used to jocktober shows much better than this.