Can We Talk About The Problematic Name Of Patreon's Highest Earning Podcast, "Chapo Trap House" ?

1  2019-01-23 by boringoneliner

I tried to listen to that shit and there wasn't a SINGLE Trap chiming in. Lots of closet fags, but no one who even TRIED to pass. Thats toxic af to the community.



What’s the endgame here? You want the O&A subreddit calling Jim Norton and Nick Mullen a faggot?

Fuck that faggot


Did i post topless pictures of myself lifting weights and then attacking the same subreddit for being homophobic when it got downvoted, or was that Nick Mullen?

He treat those two untalented ninjas as his equal so he should be treated as one

Depressive Faggot Nick Mullen

If you say their name 3 times in a mirror, a spirit appears and tries to sodimize you. If you decline, he calls you homophobic and tries to get your social media accounts banned. Because he's so woke.

oh no mr trap succubus, dont try to rape my onahole y'all

Incubus. Succubus is the female variety.

traps are female

wokesub #respectpronouns

Oh sorry. I thought it was another name for transsexuals.


Dont forget mentally ill

I don't understand the juxtaposition of the name of their faggot podcast/subreddit. Is it some sort of nod to El Chapo's house that had a bathtub with hydraulics and a press of a button, it would lift up and reveal a passage to an escape tunnel that was under the neighborhood? And the allusion to traps that can pass as women? If so, it's fucking stupid. And I hope they all wind up on a Sinaloa or Zeta Cartel snuff video on BorderlandBeat or BestGore.

"Traphouse" is a term popularized by southern rappers in the last 10 years. It means a house out of which drugs are sold.


Why these white commie dorks think appropriating black and mexican culture is okay is beyond me.

Oof. I knew that. Why the fuck was I thinking of tranny traps? They still stink. And I hate them.

Freudian slip. Put down the drugs and porno you fucking cookie cutter

SWPL fags like CTH have a complex where they like to ironically appropriate the worst parts of black ghetto "culture" while also positioning themselves as "woke" and condemning regular white people for supposed racism. They basically can't admit that they enjoy lampooning blacks as they're wearing blackface.

SWPL's a great term. Takes me back to Roissy's blog 10 years ago. Or mypostingcareer


Those gay fags are so #woke

Their supporters call themselves ''Grey Wolves'' after the Turkish ultra-nationalist, fascist terror organization that is responsible for countless murders and rapes.

These fags lack basic general knowledge and are unfit to opine on anything but video games and wrestling.

That’s the joke though...

the second sentence you mean?

sounds like you’re just being an SJW trying to give a phony moral scolding to obvious edgy shitposting. “Omg a leftist joked about fascism!”, you’re literally everything you hate about the left, faggot.

the best type of humor is truth. i will not explain any further

sounds like something nana would say, fag

nice nana twitter quote stupid

you are making shit up as you go. terrible. are you a bot?

You're a faggot and you're the only one downvoting this guy.

Grey wolves were an interesting case the fucked up the left so badly that when the islamists started their rise in turkey the more secular minded grey wolves didn’t have anyone to turn to for help in opposing the Islamists.

Let's leave them be. Once they get a real job, they'll grow out of it.

Come at me you fucking coward.

I can't, because we're both looking at a screen, stupid. Go die on purpose

traps are female

wokesub #respectpronouns