It turns out that Sarah Beattie chick (who offered to give a blowjob in return for punching that kid) doesn't even write for SNL, and is just a compulsive liar nutjob.

1  2019-01-23 by imwearingbonds


She looks crazy

Those titties don't lie

Imagine that. A semi attractive chick who post a bunch of tit pics on Instagram is crazy.

...Just thought you might like to know, WhereTheShitComesOut.

This place would be a goldmine for the rimjobsteve subreddit

Whats crazy about her? The kid should be decked along with anyone in a Maga hat.

Found the faggot

You find a mirror? You disagree? You need to be punched too.

You people get triggered by smirking teens. Faggots like you wouldn’t do shit.

Triggered? Lol imagine being an adult "man" and using that word. I think its funny, only one mad is this sub reddit, specifically you. Id easily kick the shit out of you tho.

I’m not getting uppity about a teen smirking. Clearly you’re the bothered one here and are just projecting. And cut the tough guy shit. Everyone knows you’d buckle faster than Joe Cumia, prairie nigger apologist.

You are, even downvoted like a bitch lmao. Im not cutting shit but maga throats.

How do you feel about this footage of you being out there?

I did what I had to do. No regrets. Personally I think anyone buying vapes should be kicked out.

I’m mad too.

Im here for ya.

Imagine posting in the chapo subreddit.

I'd steal that for my flair, were I a thief.

Imagine white knighting for some dork in high school lmao.

The fuck are you taking about

You. This sub.

He didnt bother to wait the hour it took for the full video to show how high school kids did nothing wrong, so he still believes that some maga kids terrorized a peacful indian drummer and some innocent black isrealites

You make fun but did your wife's boyfriend get you a nintendo switch for Christmas?

Tough guy

I am. Thanks. Keep crying over women, im sure you'll lose your virginity one day.

You listen to chapo, the only virgin here is you

No, its you. And this whole sub. "A woman made a joke online!???! I need tampons for my asshole!!!" -O&a sub

Lmao absolute pissy losers.

You guys ever notice liberals go to insult is "virgin", as if we don't know they were virgins throughout their high school career and grew up to date practice girls? Just be happy you've found your genetic place in the world, dude.

Calling me a lib is the only thing thats hurt so far. Ouch, virgin, ouch.

Wow dude we get it you're a 150 pound (male) balding with hipster glasses and you like craft beer and interracial pornography.

You aren't punching an Nazis you sissy faggot

Im 6'1 239, full head of hair, 20/20 vision (had a physical literally today) and dont drink anymore. I do like interracial porn tho, you got me there. Ive literally hit a nazi before bitch, and I plan on doing it again.

Then you would stagger forward like Bam but I'd be like boosh and Dodge right but you'd try to feint with a kick but kazow! Ive blocked it with a half arm strike, then woosh another punch it connects with my face


Oi oi oi shounen hakyuu nen haiyai dazoooou

I was hoping to use my full power but with one flick you're on the ground crying, you've simultaneously pissed yourself and cum because you are that gay, then you keep cumming till you turn into dust. Later me and my Nazi friends come by your grave and goose step into a dab.

2 weeks later the apartheid state of Israel is reduced to glass

Alright, you win this one.

Look at this fat fuck.

You want my dick, don't ya?

World war Ii wnded in 1945 sir. You didn't hit a member of the national german workers party. You fought with some other dildo who posts mems of a frog in a red hat

I actually went to Argentina and beat Hitler's ass.

How many Affliction shirts do you own?

Just because a man fingers your asshole doesn't mean it's a physical.


look I have a sense of humor! Other people are clevery roasting me and I'm taking it on the chin REEEE NAZIS

Christ you must have absolutely no friends you blantantly homosexual kike

Lol "clevery". I guess saying a bunch of swears after sperging out cuz some girl hurt your already huge asshole is "clever" around these parts. Stay mad pussy.

Sorry bro can't hear you busy not being gay slamming some brews with my boys while tossing a football around and ghosting a girl I met at the bar, we're watching the fight on paper view.

You wouldnt have room for say, another friend would you?

Well I’m 6’2 240, full head of hair and a beard and ponytail, x-ray vision (had a physical literally today) and I only drink pure arctic glacier water. I agree with the interracial porn, but I think it sounds very nazi-ish to hit people over hats and slogans though...

Lit-uh-rally. Nice Valley Girl uptalk, stupid. And you're more like a 300+ pound, dry drunk pile of dog shit.

Cool overused colin quinn phrase, stupid.

Nice stupid, stupid

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Ryu from street fighter was 150 pounds. Watch who you call a sissy faggot.

You're not doing your ideology any favors.

Wrong. Nobody likes shit heads with cult hats. Just a bunch of pussies butthurt over a joke. Fucking morons are everything you claim to hate.

Cult hats like pussy hats?

Yeah, cuz you see those everywhere nowadays dont ya? Lmao Nice try tho.

I live in Washington and yes I still see those hats. I'm not mad over the joke, I'd totally abuse the kid so Sarah would just smile and blow me.

Dont blame you for that.

Looks like that dude beat her to it.

Who gives a fuck if she writes on snl, who gives a fuck what some random person writes on Twitter. Overall she’s a net positive to the internet because of her tits and willingness to post sexy pics. I like her

You make a persuasive argument, Fry

it's that kind of attitude that lets this fucking e-thots rule the world. You're that starved for internet tits? faggot

these assclowns never realize when you are a drooling thirsty mook about tits these dumb broads cop a tude and cover the tits up.

when you knock them down a peg or two, they have to prove something to themselves so the tits come out more.

these dumb holes deserve nothing. take your top off, tots. I might break half a smile.

Gayest statement ever.

Well you guys are posting about her like she matters and saying she rules the world and I simply said she was hot, but okay sure

whatever little bitch



Well come on fellas. Did we really think there were women writers? Lol

Well, the show does suck...

Ouch, that's harsh. A writer used to be able to make ends meet by writing this shit on the down low, but now they're going to be named and shamed every week. Stupid man-jawed anorexic bitch ruined it for everyone.

why would she lie?

A lying sack of shit trying to attach important institutions to her name, something never seen before.

That shows so bad you could tell me Bobo writes for SNL and is believe you.

D-d-da day iz mine Trebeck, alroyt?

Lol, of course. Takes two seconds to look at her social media to figure that out. Only idiots thought she did. She may have been a freelancer for SNL at one point, which really anyone can be.

Her main business is whoring out on instagram.

She seems as unfunny as SNL is now

you can "work" for SNL and not get any of your material used.

just ask jay mohr.

Same way tha High Chief Total Bull was a Refrigerator Repairman in Nebraska during his marine service, not a Vietnam veteran.

I wish troy Quan would take her hiking.

Kind of ironic that she offered to suck dick, when based on his picture it looks like that's what this faggot does regularly.

With that cum dripping from his mouth I thought this would another Logan Lynn thread.

Everyone talking about her Beefers and nobody linking

Found the faggot

Imagine posting in the chapo subreddit.

Tough guy

Wow dude we get it you're a 150 pound (male) balding with hipster glasses and you like craft beer and interracial pornography.

You aren't punching an Nazis you sissy faggot

You're not doing your ideology any favors.

Lol "clevery". I guess saying a bunch of swears after sperging out cuz some girl hurt your already huge asshole is "clever" around these parts. Stay mad pussy.