I have no idea who some of the people we currently hate are

1  2019-01-23 by Fredrock26

I mostly only check this reddit to see how crazy anthony gets and hoping to hear news of jims demise because let's face it there wont be any news coverage other than a tweet from reverend bob levy by the time he's done with his career. Who's logan? what is "he got the girl" ? had anyone on earth heard of dave landau before ant hired him ?

  1. Logan is a ginger homo who attacked Opie because Opie told us to attack him

  2. "He got the girl" is a reference to something Joe would say when he posted a selfie with him and Freebird Michael Hayes

  3. I still don't know who Dave Landau is

Dave Landau is a guy who sucks cock and tries to be funny when he’s not sucking cock. He has a fat wife.

We can’t say fat anymore, it’s 2019.

Well OP got his questions answered

I only knew 2 of the 3 and unfortunately one was Dave Landau. Still unsure about the Logan thing. Cripes. You really have to keep up around here.

I personally come here to see what lady Jim is trying to hook up with. Didn’t some radio wannabe give him some time but then run away back west and block him?

The beauty of this place is that when it looks like the crops are being dried out, there's a cyclone just around the corner to bring about a torrent of victims.

nice mixed analogies stupid

I'm just a simple farming boy with my container of coffee and paper

We stopped posting about Anthony because he has no way of communicating with the outside world.

yeah his liver and kidneys are rotting away in obscurity

I honestly thought he'd passed. Nobody ever talks about his show or even posts youtube videos.

I'm just a simple farming boy with my container of coffee and paper