Libelous - Logan Lynn is calling us homophobic trolls

1  2019-01-23 by SheddupFaggot


Are you allowed to edit your own wikipedia? Sounds like something against TOS.

It's strongly discouraged (their emphasis) and 'autobiographical editing is subject to deletion'.

you just know he checks his Wikipedia all the time.

He has quite a balancing act going with fake twitter followers,alt accounts, reviews written by himself, once he is found out how fake he is, it goes to shit that's why he is so defensive with every little dumb thing

I don't fear homos so the entire proposition is preposterous.

Logan Lynn (girls name btw) just doesn’t get it. We don’t hate him cuz he’s gay, he’s gay cuz we hate him.

This guys pathetic. Who the fuck edits their own wiki? He literally asked for every second of what’s happening to him right now.